Mario Boccaletti
Mario Boccaletti
Professor of Geology
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Plate tectonic models for the development of the Western Alps and Northern Apennines
M Boccaletti, P Elter, G Guazzone
Nature Physical Science 234 (49), 108-111, 1971
Palinspastic restoration and paleogeographic reconstruction of the peri-Tyrrhenian area during the Neogene
M Boccaletti, N Ciaranfi, D Cosentino, G Deiana, R Gelati, F Lentini, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 77 (1), 41-IN13, 1990
Late Neogene evolution of the Taza–Guercif Basin (Rifian Corridor, Morocco) and implications for the Messinian salinity crisis
W Krijgsman, CG Langereis, WJ Zachariasse, M Boccaletti, G Moratti, ...
Marine Geology 153 (1-4), 147-160, 1999
The Calabrian Arc and the Ionian Sea in the dynamic evolution of the Central Mediterranean
M Boccaletti, R Nicolich, L Tortorici
Marine Geology 55 (3-4), 219-245, 1984
Crustal section based on CROP seismic data across the North Tyrrhenian–Northern Apennines–Adriatic Sea
IR Finetti, M Boccaletti, M Bonini, A Del Ben, R Geletti, M Pipan, F Sani
Tectonophysics 343 (3-4), 135-163, 2001
Migrating foredeep-thrust belt systems in the northern Apennines and southern Alps
M Boccaletti, F Calamita, G Deiana, R Gelati, F Massari, G Moratti, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 77 (1), 3-14, 1990
Evoluzione dell'Appennino settentrionale secondo un nuovo modello strutturale
M Boccaletti, M Coli, D FA, E Giannini, A Lazzarotto
Quaternary oblique extensional tectonics in the Ethiopian Rift (Horn of Africa)
M Boccaletti, M Bonini, R Mazzuoli, B Abebe, L Piccardi, L Tortorici
Tectonophysics 287 (1-4), 97-116, 1998
Successive orthogonal and oblique extension episodes in a rift zone: Laboratory experiments with application to the Ethiopian Rift
M Bonini, T Souriot, M Boccaletti, JP Brun
Tectonics 16 (2), 347-362, 1997
Recent and active tectonics of the external zone of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
M Boccaletti, G Corti, L Martelli
International Journal of Earth Sciences 100 (6), 1331-1348, 2011
Remnant arcs and marginal basins in the Cainozoic development of the Mediterranean
M Boccaletti, G Guazzone
Nature 252 (5478), 18-21, 1974
Considerations on the seismotectonics of the Northern Apennines
M Boccaletti, M Coli, C Eva, G Ferrari, G Giglia, A Lazzarotto, F Merlanti, ...
Tectonophysics 117 (1-2), 7-38, 1985
Gli archi appenninici, il mar Ligure ed il Tirreno nel quadro della tettonica dei bacini marginali retro-arco
M Boccaletti, G Guazzone
Principali domini strutturali originatisi dalla collisione neogenico-quaternaria nel Mediterraneo centrale
ZVIBEN AVRAHAM, M Boccaletti, G Cello, M Grasso, F Lentini, L Torelli
Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 45, 453-462, 1990
Cover Thrust reactivations related to internal basement involvement during Neogene‐Quaternary evolution of the Northern Apennines
M Boccaletti, F Sani
Tectonics 17 (1), 112-130, 1998
Active oblique extension in the central Apennines (Italy): evidence from the Fucino region
L Piccardi, Y Gaudemer, P Tapponnier, M Boccaletti
Geophysical Journal International 139 (2), 499-530, 1999
Transtensional tectonics in the Sicily Channel
M Boccaletti, G Cello, L Tortorici
Journal of Structural Geology 9 (7), 869-876, 1987
Plio-Quaternary volcanotectonic activity in the northern sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift: relationships with oblique rifting
M Boccaletti, R Mazzuoli, M Bonini, T Trua, B Abebe
Journal of African Earth Sciences 29 (4), 679-698, 1999
New data and hypothesis on the development of the Tyrrhenian basin
M Boccaletti, R Nicolich, L Tortorici
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 77 (1), 15-40, 1990
Neogene Carpathian Arc: A continental arc displaying the features of an ‘island arc’
MD Bleahu, M Boccaletti, P Manetti, S Peltz
Journal of Geophysical Research 78 (23), 5025-5031, 1973
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