Wolfgang Werner
Wolfgang Werner
Professor of Physics, Vienna University of Technology
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Optical constants and inelastic electron-scattering data for 17 elemental metals
WSM Werner, K Glantschnig, C Ambrosch-Draxl
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 38 (4), 1013-1092, 2009
Electron transport in solids for quantitative surface analysis
WSM Werner
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2001
Simulation of electron spectra for surface analysis (SESSA): a novel software tool for quantitative Auger‐electron spectroscopy and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy
W Smekal, WSM Werner, CJ Powell
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2005
Tribological properties of additives for water-based lubricants
A Tomala, A Karpinska, WSM Werner, A Olver, H Störi
Wear 269 (11-12), 804-810, 2010
Surface excitation probability of medium energy electrons in metals and semiconductors
WSM Werner, W Smekal, C Tomastik, H Störi
Surface science 486 (3), L461-L466, 2001
Quantitative surface analysis by Auger and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
IS Tilinin, A Jablonski, WSM Werner
Progress in surface science 52 (4), 193-335, 1996
Take‐off angle and film thickness dependences of the attenuation length of X‐ray photoelectrons by a trajectory reversal method
WH Gries, W Werner
Surface and Interface Analysis 16 (1‐12), 149-153, 1990
Towards a universal curve for electron attenuation: Elastic scattering data for 45 elements
WSM Werner
Surface and interface analysis 18 (3), 217-228, 1992
Angular distribution of electrons reflected elastically from noncrystalline solid surfaces
WSM Werner, IS Tilinin, M Hayek
Physical Review B 50 (7), 4819, 1994
Differential surface and volume excitation probability of medium-energy electrons in solids
WSM Werner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (7), 075421, 2006
Elastic electron reflection for determination of the inelastic mean free path of medium energy electrons in 24 elemental solids for energies between 50 and 3400 eV
WSM Werner, C Tomastik, T Cabela, G Richter, H Störi
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 113 (2-3), 127-135, 2001
Partial intensity analysis (PIA) for quantitative electron spectroscopy
WSM Werner
Surface and interface analysis 23 (11), 737-752, 1995
Electron inelastic mean free path measured by elastic peak electron spectroscopy for 24 solids between 50 and 3400 eV
WSM Werner, C Tomastik, T Cabela, G Richter, H Störi
Surface science 470 (1-2), L123-L128, 2000
Angular and energy distribution of Auger and photoelectrons escaping from non-crystalline solid surfaces
IS Tilinin, WSM Werner
Surface science 290 (1-2), 119-133, 1993
Emission-depth-selective Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
WSM Werner, W Smekal, H Störi, H Winter, G Stefani, A Ruocco, F Offi, ...
Physical review letters 94 (3), 038302, 2005
Influence of multiple elastic and inelastic scattering on photoelectron line shape
WSM Werner
Physical Review B 52 (4), 2964, 1995
Analytical expression describing the attenuation of Auger electrons and photoelectrons in solids
WSM Werner, WH Gries, H Störi
Surface and interface analysis 17 (10), 693-704, 1991
Surface and bulk plasmon coupling observed in reflection electron energy loss spectra
WSM Werner
Surface Science 526 (3), L159-L164, 2003
Sputter deposition of decorative boride coatings
C Mitterer, J Komenda-Stallmaier, P Losbichler, P Schmölz, WSM Werner, ...
Vacuum 46 (11), 1281-1294, 1995
Role of surface and bulk plasmon decay in secondary electron emission
WSM Werner, A Ruocco, F Offi, S Iacobucci, W Smekal, H Winter, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (23), 233403, 2008
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