Luiz Marcio Cysneiros
Cited by
Cited by
Nonfunctional requirements: From elicitation to conceptual models
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite
IEEE transactions on Software engineering 30 (5), 328-350, 2004
A framework for integrating non-functional requirements into conceptual models
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite, J de Melo Sabat Neto
Requirements Engineering 6, 97-115, 2001
Designing for privacy and other competing requirements
E Yu, L Cysneiros
2nd Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS’02 …, 2002
Using UML to reflect non-functional requirements.
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite
CASCON 1, 2, 2001
Non-functional requirements elicitation
LM Cysneiros, E Yu
Perspectives on software requirements, 115-138, 2004
Software transparency as a key requirement for self-driving cars
LM Cysneiros, M Raffi, JCS do Prado Leite
2018 IEEE 26th international requirements engineering conference (RE), 382-387, 2018
Integrating non-functional requirements into data modeling
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (Cat …, 1999
Requirements engineering in the health care domain
LM Cysneiros
Proceedings IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering …, 2002
Bridging the gap between software architecture rationale formalisms and actual architecture documents: An ontology-driven approach
C López, V Codocedo, H Astudillo, LM Cysneiros
Science of Computer Programming 77 (1), 66-80, 2012
Agent-oriented methodologies-towards a challenge exemplar
E Yu, LM Cysneiros
Proc of the 4 intl. bi-conference workshop on aois, Toronto 151, 2002
Reusable knowledge for satisficing usability requirements
LM Cysneiros, VM Werneck, A Kushniruk
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 463-464, 2005
Non-functional requirements: from elicitation to modelling languages
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Software engineering …, 2002
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Using Catalogues to Elicit Non-Functional Requirements.
LM Cysneiros
WER, 107-115, 2007
Requisitos não funcionais: da elicitação ao modelo conceitual
LM Cysneiros, J Leite
PhDTese, PUC-RJ, 2001
NDR ontology: sharing and reusing NFR and design rationale knowledge
C López, LM Cysneiros, H Astudillo
2008 First International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, 1-10, 2008
Bringing usability to the early stages of software development
LM Cysneiros, A Kushniruk
Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference …, 2003
Requirements engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems
L Marcio Cysneiros, E Yu
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent …, 2002
Non-functional requirements orienting the development of socially responsible software
LM Cysneiros, JCS do Prado Leite
Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 21st …, 2020
Cataloguing non-functional requirements as softgoal networks
LM Cysneiros, E Yu, J Leite
Proceedings of the REAA Workshop at the 11 th Requirements Engineering …, 2003
Addressing agent autonomy in business process management-with case studies on the patient discharge process
LM Cysneiros, E Yu
Proc. 2004 IRMA Conference, 2004
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Articles 1–20