Markus M. Becker
Markus M. Becker
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP)
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Comparison of six simulation codes for positive streamers in air
B Bagheri, J Teunissen, U Ebert, MM Becker, S Chen, O Ducasse, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (9), 095002, 2018
Why the local-mean-energy approximation should be used in hydrodynamic plasma descriptions instead of the local-field approximation
GK Grubert, MM Becker, D Loffhagen
Physical Review E 80 (3), 036405, 2009
Fluid modelling of CO2 dissociation in a dielectric barrier discharge
S Ponduri, MM Becker, S Welzel, MCM Van De Sanden, D Loffhagen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (9), 093301, 2016
Breakdown characteristics in pulsed-driven dielectric barrier discharges: influence of the pre-breakdown phase due to volume memory effects
H Höft, M Kettlitz, MM Becker, T Hoder, D Loffhagen, R Brandenburg, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (46), 465206, 2014
Analysis of microdischarges in asymmetric dielectric barrier discharges in argon
MM Becker, T Hoder, R Brandenburg, D Loffhagen
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (35), 355203, 2013
Advanced fluid modeling and PIC/MCC simulations of low-pressure ccrf discharges
MM Becker, H Kählert, A Sun, M Bonitz, D Loffhagen
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26 (4), 044001, 2017
PIC/MCC simulation of capacitively coupled discharges: Effect of particle management and integration
A Sun, MM Becker, D Loffhagen
Computer Physics Communications 206, 35-44, 2016
2022 review of data-driven plasma science
R Anirudh, R Archibald, MS Asif, MM Becker, S Benkadda, PT Bremer, ...
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 51 (7), 1750-1838, 2023
A stabilized finite element method for modeling of gas discharges
MM Becker, D Loffhagen, W Schmidt
Computer Physics Communications 180 (8), 1230-1241, 2009
Fluid modelling of DC argon microplasmas: effects of the electron transport description
M Baeva, D Loffhagen, MM Becker, D Uhrlandt
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 39 (4), 949-968, 2019
Towards an integrated modeling of the plasma-solid interface
M Bonitz, A Filinov, JW Abraham, K Balzer, H Kählert, E Pehlke, ...
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 13 (2), 201-237, 2019
Analysis of the electric field development and the relaxation of electron velocity distribution function for nanosecond breakdown in air
T Hoder, D Loffhagen, J Voráč, MM Becker, R Brandenburg
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (2), 025017, 2016
Impact of gas flow rate on breakdown of filamentary dielectric barrier discharges
H Höft, MM Becker, M Kettlitz
Physics of Plasmas 23 (3), 033504, 2016
Impact of hexamethyldisiloxane admixtures on the discharge characteristics of a dielectric barrier discharge in argon for thin film deposition
D Loffhagen, MM Becker, AK Czerny, J Philipp, CP Klages
Contributions to Plasma Physics 58 (5), 337-352, 2018
Impact of volume and surface processes on the pre-ionization of dielectric barrier discharges: Advanced diagnostics and fluid modeling
S Nemschokmichal, R Tschiersch, H Höft, R Wild, M Bogaczyk, ...
The European Physical Journal D 72 (5), 89, 2018
Enhanced reliability of drift-diffusion approximation for electrons in fluid models for nonthermal plasmas
MM Becker, D Loffhagen
AIP Advances 3 (1), 012108, 2013
Stability and excitation dynamics of an argon micro-scaled atmospheric pressure plasma jet
M Dünnbier, MM Becker, S Iseni, R Bansemer, D Loffhagen, S Reuter, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (6), 065018, 2015
Derivation of moment equations for the theoretical description of electrons in nonthermal plasmas
MM Becker, D Loffhagen
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Foundations of plasma standards
LL Alves, MM Becker, J van Dijk, T Gans, DB Go, K Stapelmann, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 32 (2), 023001, 2023
Large‐area atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharges in Ar–HMDSO mixtures: Experiments and fluid modelling
D Loffhagen, MM Becker, D Hegemann, B Nisol, S Watson, ...
Plasma Processes and Polymers 17 (2), 1900169, 2020
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