M. (Mariët) Theune
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Real versus template-based Natural Language Generation: a false opposition?
K Van Deemter, E Krahmer, M Theune
Computational Linguistics 31 (1), 15-24, 2005
The virtual storyteller: Story creation by intelligent agents
M Theune, S Faas, DKJ Heylen, A Nijholt
1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital …, 2003
From data to speech: a general approach
M Theune, E Klabbers, JR De Pijper, E Krahmer, J Odijk
Natural Language Engineering 7 (1), 47-86, 2001
Efficient context-sensitive generation of referring expressions
E Krahmer, M Theune
Information sharing: Reference and presupposition in language generation and …, 2002
Why gender and age prediction from tweets is hard: Lessons from a crowdsourcing experiment
D Nguyen, D Trieschnigg, AS Dogruöz, R Gravel, M Theune, T Meder, ...
COLING 2014, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2014
Generating expressive speech for storytelling applications
M Theune, K Meijs, D Heylen, R Ordelman
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (4), 1137-1144, 2006
A fabula model for emergent narrative
I Swartjes, M Theune
International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital …, 2006
Problem spotting in human-machine interaction
E Krahmer, M Swerts, M Theune, M Weegels
Proc. Eurospeech 99, 1999
Local danger warnings for drivers: The effect of modality and level of assistance on driver reaction
Y Cao, A Mahr, S Castronovo, M Theune, C Stahl, CA Müller
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2010
Error detection in spoken human-machine interaction
E Krahmer, M Swerts, M Theune, M Weegels
International journal of speech technology 4 (1), 19-30, 2001
Report on the second second challenge on generating instructions in virtual environments (GIVE-2.5)
K Striegnitz, A Denis, A Gargett, K Garoufi, A Koller, M Theune
Proceedings of the 13th European workshop on natural language generation …, 2011
Emotional characters for automatic plot creation
M Theune, S Rensen, R op den Akker, D Heylen, A Nijholt
Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment: Second …, 2004
Politeness and alignment in dialogues with a virtual guide
M De Jong, M Theune, DHW Hofs
7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2008
Evaluating informative auditory and tactile cues for in-vehicle information systems
Y Cao, F Van Der Sluis, M Theune, R op den Akker, A Nijholt
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Automotive User …, 2010
This item might reinforce your opinion: Obfuscation and labeling of search results to mitigate confirmation bias
A Rieger, T Draws, M Theune, N Tintarev
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 189-199, 2021
Storytelling as a creative activity in the classroom
A Catala, M Theune, H Gijlers, D Heylen
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2017
The virtual storyteller: Story generation by simulation
I Swartjes, M Theune
BNAIC, 257-264, 2008
With a little help from a holographic friend: The openimpress mixed reality telepresence toolkit for remote collaboration systems
J Kolkmeier, E Harmsen, S Giesselink, D Reidsma, M Theune, D Heylen
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2018
Generating referring expressions in context: The GREC task evaluation challenges
A Belz, E Kow, J Viethen, A Gatt
Conference of the European Association for Computational Linguistics, 294-327, 2009
From data to speech: language generation in context
M Theune
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