Gengyang Tu
Gengyang Tu
International Business School Suzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University
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Preferences for urban green spaces and peri-urban forests: An analysis of stated residential choices
G Tu, J Abildtrup, S Garcia
Landscape and Urban Planning 148, 120-131, 2016
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a biodiversity conservation policy: A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest
E Hily, S Garcia, A Stenger, G Tu
Ecological Economics 119, 197-208, 2015
Household acceptability of energy efficiency policies in the European Union: Policy characteristics trade-offs and the role of trust in government and environmental identity
C Faure, MC Guetlein, J Schleich, G Tu, L Whitmarsh, C Whittle
Ecological Economics 192, 107267, 2022
Changes in domestic energy and water usage during the UK COVID-19 lockdown using high-resolution temporal data
T Menneer, Z Qi, T Taylor, C Paterson, G Tu, LR Elliott, K Morrissey, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (13), 6818, 2021
The heat is off! The role of technology attributes and individual attitudes in the diffusion of Smart thermostats–findings from a multi-country survey
G Tu, C Faure, J Schleich, MC Guetlein
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 163, 120508, 2021
The effect of experience on choosing where to go: an application to a choice experiment on forest recreation
G Tu, J Abildtrup
Journal of environmental planning and management 59 (11), 2064-2078, 2016
Combining self-reported and sensor data to explore the relationship between fuel poverty and health well-being in UK social housing
G Tu, K Morrissey, RA Sharpe, T Taylor
Wellbeing, Space and Society 3, 100070, 2022
Would you prefer to rent rather than own your new heating system? Insights from a discrete choice experiment among owner-occupiers in the UK
J Schleich, G Tu, C Faure, MC Guetlein
Energy Policy 158, 112523, 2021
Household preferences for private versus public subsidies for new heating systems: insights from a multi-country discrete choice experiment
J Schleich, MC Guetlein, G Tu, C Faure
Applied Economics 54 (37), 4292-4309, 2022
Private forest owners’ participation behavior related to an incentive conservation program: a case study of natura 2000 contracts in france
P Delacote, S Garcia, A Stenger, G Tu
Working Papers-Cahiers du LEF, 2014
Digital competence and psychological wellbeing in a social housing community: a repeated survey study
S Buckingham, G Tu, L Elliott, R Poole, T Walker, E Bland, K Morrissey
BMC Public Health 23 (1), 2002, 2023
Conveyance, envy, and homeowner choice of appliances
J Schleich, C Faure, MC Guetlein, G Tu
Energy Economics 89, 104816, 2020
Telephone-Based Training Intervention for Using Digital Communication Technologies for Social Housing Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mixed Methods Feasibility and …
T Walker, SA Buckingham, R Poole, LR Elliott, T Menneer, G Tu, ...
JMIR Formative Research 8 (1), e45506, 2024
The effects of energy literacy and household income on consumer choice of energy-efficient appliances–insights from a multi-country discrete choice experiment and welfare analysis
MC Guetlein, C Faure, G Tu, J Schleich
Annual Meetings of the European Association of Environmental and Resource …, 2019
Indoor environment sensor systems for healthier homes: a feasibility study in social housing
T Walker, S Buckingham, T Menneer, G Tu, LR Elliott, M Mueller, ...
Housing and Society 51 (3), 260-286, 2024
Estimating the Impact of Relative Financial Circumstances in Childhood on Adult Mental Wellbeing: a Mediation Analysis
K Morrissey, T Taylor, G Tu
Applied Research in Quality of Life 18 (2), 915-930, 2023
P44 Smarter social housing: user perspectives on technology adoption for healthy homes
T Walker, T Menneer, G Tu, M Mueller, C Leyshon, M Leyshon, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 76 (Suppl 1), A66-A67, 2022
Are households’ residential preferences consistent with biodiversity conservation in different urban contexts?
C Regnier, G Tu, S Legras, M Hilal, C Détang-Dessendre
Housing Studies 39 (3), 720-745, 2024
Smartline seasonal wellbeing survey
S Buckingham, G Tu, L Elliott, M Poole, T Walker, E Bland, K Morrissey
University of Exeter, 2023
Private forest owners’ Participation in conservation programme: the case of Natura 2000 contracts in France
SS Garcia, P Delacote, A Stenger-Letheux, G Tu
HAL Post-Print, 2012
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