Steffen Liebergeld
Steffen Liebergeld
Senior OS Engineer @ Kernkonzept GmbH
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L4Android: a generic operating system framework for secure smartphones
M Lange, S Liebergeld, A Lackorzynski, A Warg, M Peter
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones …, 2011
Security for smart mobile networks: The NEMESYS approach
E Gelenbe, G Gorbil, D Tzovaras, S Liebergeld, D Garcia, M Baltatu, ...
2013 International Conference on Privacy and Security in Mobile Systems …, 2013
NEMESYS: Enhanced network security for seamless service provisioning in the smart mobile ecosystem
E Gelenbe, G Görbil, D Tzovaras, S Liebergeld, D Garcia, M Baltatu, ...
Information Sciences and Systems 2013: Proceedings of the 28th International …, 2013
Poster: Honeydroid-creating a smartphone honeypot
C Mulliner, S Liebergeld, M Lange
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2, 48, 2011
Android security, pitfalls and lessons learned
S Liebergeld, M Lange
Information Sciences and Systems 2013: Proceedings of the 28th International …, 2013
Cellpot: A concept for next generation cellular network honeypots
S Liebergeld, M Lange, R Borgaonkar
Internet Society, 1-6, 2014
Taming Mr Hayes: Mitigating signaling based attacks on smartphones
C Mulliner, S Liebergeld, M Lange, JP Seifert
IEEE/IFIP international conference on dependable systems and networks (DSN …, 2012
Nomadic Honeypots: A Novel Concept for Smartphone Honeypots
S Liebergeld, M Lange, C Mulliner
Workshop Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2013, 2013
Crossover: secure and usable user interface for mobile devices with multiple isolated os personalities
M Lange, S Liebergeld
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2013
Towards modular security-conscious virtual machines
S Liebergeld, M Peter, A Lackorzynski
Proceedings of the Twelfth Real-Time Linux Workshop, Nairobi, 2010
Honeydroid-creating a smartphone honeypot
C Mulliner, S Liebergeld, M Lange
Poster session of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (May 2011), IEEE, 2011
Android security, pitfalls, lessons learned and BYOD
S Liebergeld, M Lange
Die Professoren der Fakultät IV-Elektrotechnik und Informatik der …, 2013
L4Android: Android on top of L4
M Lange, S Liebergeld
Lightweight Virtualization on Microkernel-based Systems
S Liebergeld
MA thesis. TU Dresden, 2010
L4android security framework on the samsung galaxy s2
M Lange, S Liebergeld, A Lackorzynski, A Warg, J Danisevskis, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 16 (4), 28-29, 2013
Power Management on Mobile Devices with Virtual Machines
S Liebergeld, M Lange, D Nedospasov
Technical University of Berlin and German Telekom Innovation Laboratories …, 2012
Method and device for monitoring a mobile radio interface on mobile terminals
S Liebergeld, M Lange, C Mulliner
US Patent App. 14/351,165, 2014
Hochsichere Smartphones mit L4Android
S Liebergeld, M Lange, A Lackorzynski, A Warg
Smart Mobile Apps: Mit Business-Apps ins Zeitalter mobiler Geschäftsprozesse …, 2012
Taming the Robot
S Liebergeld
SPRING-SIDAR Graduierten-Workshop über Reaktive Sicherheit, 21.-22. März …, 2011
Taming the Robot: Efficient Sand-boxing of the Android OS
S Liebergeld
6. GI FG SIDAR Graduierten-Workshop über Reaktive Sicherheit, 14, 2011
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Articles 1–20