Hanna Bäck
Cited by
Cited by
Democracy and State Capacity: Exploring a J‐Shaped Relationship
H Bäck, A Hadenius
Governance 21 (1), 1-24, 2008
Who gets what in coalition governments? Predictors of portfolio allocation in parliamentary democracies
H Bäck, M Debus, P Dumont
European Journal of Political Research 50 (4), 441-478, 2011
Who Takes the Parliamentary Floor? The Role of Gender in Speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag
H Bäck, M Debus, J Müller
Political Research Quarterly 67 (3), 504-518, 2014
Intra-party politics and coalition formation: Evidence from Swedish local government
H Bäck
Party Politics 14 (1), 71-89, 2008
Explaining Coalitions. Evidence and Lessons from Studying Coalition Formation in Swedish Local Government, Uppsala
H Bäck
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2003
Combining large-n and small-n strategies: The way forward in coalition research
H Bäck, P Dumont
West European Politics 30 (3), 467-501, 2007
Political parties, parliaments and legislative speechmaking
H Bäck, M Debus
Springer, 2016
Making the first move: A two-stage analysis of the role of formateurs in parliamentary government formation
H Bäck, P Dumont
Public Choice 135, 353-373, 2008
Explaining and predicting coalition outcomes: Conclusions from studying data on local coalitions
H Bäck
European Journal of Political Research 42 (4), 441-472, 2003
Explaining modes of participation: a dynamic test of alternative rational choice models
H Bäck, J Teorell, A Westholm
Scandinavian Political Studies 34 (1), 74-97, 2011
Regional Government Formation in Varying Multilevel Contexts: A Comparison of Eight European Countries
H Bäck, M Debus, J Müller, H Bäck
Regional Studies, 1-20, 2012
When do women speak? A comparative analysis of the role of gender in legislative debates
H Bäck, M Debus
Political Studies 67 (3), 576-596, 2019
Coalition agreements, issue attention, and cabinet governance
H Klüver, H Bäck
Comparative Political Studies 52 (13-14), 1995-2031, 2019
Does European Integration Lead to a Presidentialization of Executive Politics? Ministerial Selection in Swedish Postwar Cabinets
H Bäck, P Dumont, HE Meier, T Persson, K Vernby
European Union Politics 10 (2), 226-252, 2009
Coalition Governance in Western Europe
T Bergman, H Back, J Hellström
Oxford University Press, 2021
Intra-party diversity and ministerial selection in coalition governments
H Bäck, M Debus, WC Müller
Public Choice 166, 355-378, 2016
Party Size and Portfolio Payoffs: The Proportional Allocation of Ministerial Posts in Coalition Governments
H Bäck, HE Meier, T Persson
The Journal of Legislative Studies 15 (1), 10-34, 2009
Why so few, and why so late? Green parties and the question of governmental participation
P Dumont, H Bäck
European Journal of Political Research 45 (s1), S35-S67, 2006
Emotions during the Covid‐19 pandemic: Fear, anxiety, and anger as mediators between threats and policy support and political actions
EA Renström, H Bäck
Journal of applied social psychology 51 (8), 861-877, 2021
Protest Activity, Social Incentives and Rejection Sensitivity. Results from a Survey Experiment about Tuition Fees
GG Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest 1, 1-15, 2013
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Articles 1–20