Phan Thành Nam
Phan Thành Nam
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Derivation of Hartreeʼs theory for generic mean-field Bose systems
M Lewin, PT Nam, N Rougerie
Advances in Mathematics 254, 570-621, 2014
Bogoliubov spectrum of interacting Bose gases
M Lewin, PT Nam, S Serfaty, JP Solovej
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 68 (3), 413–471, 2015
Fluctuations around Hartree states in the mean-field regime
M Lewin, PT Nam, B Schlein
American Journal of Mathematics 137 (6), 1613-1650, 2015
Ground states of large bosonic systems: the Gross–Pitaevskii limit revisited
PT Nam, N Rougerie, R Seiringer
Analysis & PDE 9 (2), 459-485, 2016
The mean-field approximation and the non-linear Schrödinger functional for trapped Bose gases
M Lewin, PT Nam, N Rougerie
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368 (9), 6131-6157, 2016
Bogoliubov correction to the mean-field dynamics of interacting bosons
PT Nam, M Napiórkowski
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 21 (3), 683-738, 2017
Diagonalization of bosonic quadratic Hamiltonians by Bogoliubov transformations
PT Nam, M Napiórkowski, JP Solovej
Journal of Functional Analysis 270 (11), 4340-4368, 2016
Derivation of nonlinear Gibbs measures from many-body quantum mechanics
M Lewin, PT Nam, N Rougerie
Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques 2, 65-115, 2015
Collective excitations of Bose gases in the mean-field regime
PT Nam, R Seiringer
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 215 (2), 381-417, 2015
Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of trapped Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime
PT Nam, A Triay
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 176, 18-101, 2023
A note on the validity of Bogoliubov correction to mean-field dynamics
PT Nam, M Napiórkowski
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 108 (5), 662-688, 2017
Optimal rate of condensation for trapped bosons in the Gross–Pitaevskii regime
PT Nam, M Napiórkowski, J Ricaud, A Triay
Analysis & PDE 15 (6), 1585-1616, 2022
New bounds on the maximum ionization of atoms
PT Nam
Communications in Mathematical Physics 312 (2), 427-445, 2012
An approximate solution for nonlinear backward parabolic equations
PT Nam
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 367 (2), 337-349, 2010
Fluctuations of N-particle quantum dynamics around the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
C Brennecke, PT Nam, M Napiórkowski, B Schlein
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 36 (5), 1201-1235, 2019
Nonexistence of large nuclei in the liquid drop model
RL Frank, R Killip, PT Nam
Letters in Mathematical Physics 106 (8), 1033-1036, 2016
Classical field theory limit of many-body quantum Gibbs states in 2D and 3D
M Lewin, PT Nam, N Rougerie
Inventiones mathematicae 224, 315-444, 2021
The ionization conjecture in Thomas–Fermi–Dirac–von Weizsäcker theory
RL Frank, PT Nam, H Van Den Bosch
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 71 (3), 577-614, 2018
Optimal Upper Bound for the Correlation Energy of a Fermi Gas in the Mean-Field Regime
N Benedikter, PT Nam, M Porta, B Schlein, R Seiringer
Communications in Mathematical Physics 374, 2097–2150, 2020
Correlation energy of a weakly interacting Fermi gas
N Benedikter, PT Nam, M Porta, B Schlein, R Seiringer
Inventiones mathematicae 225 (3), 885-979, 2021
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Articles 1–20