Rafael Caro Repetto
Rafael Caro Repetto
IT:U – Institute of Digital Sciences Austria
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Creating a corpus of jingju (beijing opera) music and possibilities for melodic analysis
R Caro Repetto, X Serra
15th international society for music information retrieval conference, 2014
Saraga: Open Datasets for Research on Indian Art Music
A Srinivasamurthy, S Gulati, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
Empirical Musicology Review 16 (1), 85-98, 2021
Study of the Similarity Between Linguistic Tones and Melodic Pitch Contours in Beijing Opera Singing
S Zhang, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2014
Comparision of the singing style of two jingju schools
R Caro Repetto, R Gong, N Kroher, X Serra
An open corpus for the computational research of arab-andalusian music
R Caro Repetto, N Pretto, A Chaachoo, B Bozkurt, X Serra
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries for …, 2018
Transcription and Recognition of Syllable based Percussion Patterns: The Case of Beijing Opera
A Srinivasamurthy, R Caro Repetto, S Harshavardhan, X Serra
ISMIR 2014, 2014
Creating an A Cappella Singing Audio Dataset for Automatic Jingju Singing Evaluation Research
R Gong, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03986, 2017
Contributing to new musicological theories with computational methods: the case of centonization in arab-andalusian music
T Nuttall, M García Casado, V Núñez Tarifa, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
20th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval …, 2019
Understanding the expressive functions of jingju metrical patterns through lyrics text mining
S Zhang, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2017
A Collection of Music Scores for Corpus Based Jingju Singing Research.
R Caro Repetto, X Serra
ISMIR, 46-52, 2017
Predicting pairwise pitch contour relations based on linguistic tone information in Beijing opera singing
S Zhang, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
A computational exploration of melodic patterns in Arab-Andalusian music
T Nuttall, MG Casado, A Ferraro, D Conklin, R Caro Repetto
Pattern in Music, 74-86, 2023
KDC: An Open Corpus for Computational Research of Dastgāhi Music
B Nikzat, R Caro Repetto
23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR …, 2022
Automatic Alignment of Long Syllables in a Cappella Beijing Opera
G Dzhambazov, Y Yang, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
Dublin Institute of Technology, 2016
Jingju a cappella singing dataset part1
R Gong, RC Repetto, Y Yang, X Serra
May, 2018
Quantitative analysis of the relationship between linguistic tones and melody in jingju using music scores
R Caro Repetto, S Zhang, X Serra
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for …, 2017
Finding Tori: Self-supervised Learning for Analyzing Korean Folk Song
D Han, R Caro Repetto, D Jeong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02249, 2023
Nawba recognition for Arab-Andalusian music using templates from music scores
N Pretto, B Bozkurt, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
Getting started on computational musicology and music information research: an indian art music perspective
A Srinivasamurthy, S Gulati, R Caro Repetto, X Serra
Rao P, Murthy HA, Prasann SRM, editors. Indian art music: a computational …, 2023
Melodic transformation processes in the arrangements of jingju banshi
R Caro Repetto, X Serra
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