Thibaut DEVAUX
Thibaut DEVAUX
GREMAN Laboratory, UMR CNRS 7347, University of Tours
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Zitiert von
Asymmetric acoustic propagation of wave packets via the self-demodulation effect
T Devaux, V Tournat, O Richoux, V Pagneux
Physical review letters 115 (23), 234301, 2015
Simplified account of Rayleigh streaming for the description of nonlinear processes leading to steady state sound in thermoacoustic engines
G Penelet, M Guedra, V Gusev, T Devaux
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (21-22), 6042-6053, 2012
Acoustic radiation pressure for nonreciprocal transmission and switch effects
T Devaux, A Cebrecos, O Richoux, V Pagneux, V Tournat
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3292, 2019
Giant extraordinary transmission of acoustic waves through a nanowire
T Devaux, H Tozawa, PH Otsuka, S Mezil, M Tomoda, O Matsuda, E Bok, ...
Science Advances 6 (10), eaay8507, 2020
Water–air interface deformation by transient acoustic radiation pressure
F Sisombat, T Devaux, L Haumesser, S Callé
Journal of Applied Physics 132 (17), 2022
Contactless deformation of fluid interfaces by acoustic radiation pressure
F Sisombat, T Devaux, L Haumesser, S Callé
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 14703, 2023
Ultrasonic Instrumentation for Simultaneous Rheological and Ultrasonic Measurements on a Rheometer
N Houhat, L Saengdee, T Devaux, S Callé, SB Gauchet, F Vander Meulen
2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-3, 2023
Acoustic reflector remotely tunable by the acoustic radiation force
F Sisombat, T Devaux, S CALLé, L Haumesser
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 270 (4), 7893-7898, 2024
Influence of the mechanical conditions applied to ultrasonic coupling agents on the acoustic transmission for high frequency imaging
T Devaux, A Angermuller, L Attar, F Vander Meulen, S Boucaud-Gauchet
International Congress on Acoustics, 2022
Spatiotemporal characterization of the water-air interface deformation induced by a transient acoustic radiation pressure
F Sisombat, T Devaux, L Haumesser, S Calle
2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-3, 2022
Caractérisation de polymères fonctionnels pour des applications de diagnostic médical
SB Gauchet, T Devaux, A Angermuller, B Jismy, L Attar, N Breton, ...
Déformation d’une interface eau-air par la force de radiation acoustique en régime transitoire
F Sisombat, T Devaux, L Haumesser, S Callé
16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, 2022
Zero-mass metamaterial for subwavelength acoustic imaging
T Devaux, E Bok, JJ Park, SH Lee, OB Wright
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics …, 2022
Effect of nanoparticles on the mechanical and barrier properties of thermoplastic elastomers
A Chapel, R Herbinet, L Le Pluart, T Devaux, F Vander Meulen, ...
IUPAC-MACRO 2020, 2021
Giant extraordinary transmission of longitudinal acoustic waves
OB Wright, T Devaux, H Tozawa, PH Otsuka, S Mezil, M Tomoda, ...
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics …, 2021
Extraordinary acoustic transmission phenomenon for sub-wavelength imaging applications
T Devaux, OB Wright, JJ Park, E Bok, SH Lee
25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018: Hiroshima Calling …, 2018
Amplification and saturation of the thermoacoustic instability in a standing-wave prime mover
M Guédra, T Devaux, G Penelet, P Lotton
Acoustics 2012, 2012
Polymers Viscosity Monitoring by Simultaneous Ultrasonic and Rheological Measurements for Rotomolding Application
N Houhat, T Devaux, S Callé, L Saengdee, S Boucaud-Gauchet, ...
Available at SSRN 4760754, 0
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