Alexander A. Sawchuk
Alexander A. Sawchuk
Other namesAA Sawchuk, A Sawchuk, Sandy Sawchuk
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive noise smoothing filter for images with signal-dependent noise
DT Kuan, AA Sawchuk, TC Strand, P Chavel
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 165-177, 1985
Adaptive restoration of images with speckle
D Kuan, A Sawchuk, T Strand, P Chavel
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 35 (3), 373-383, 1987
USC-HAD: A daily activity dataset for ubiquitous activity recognition using wearable sensors
M Zhang, AA Sawchuk
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on ubiquitous computing, 1036-1043, 2012
Digital optical computing
AA Sawchuk, TC Strand
Proceedings of the IEEE 72 (7), 758-779, 1984
Towards pervasive physical rehabilitation using Microsoft Kinect
CY Chang, B Lange, M Zhang, S Koenig, P Requejo, N Somboon, ...
2012 6th international conference on pervasive computing technologies for …, 2012
A feature selection-based framework for human activity recognition using wearable multimodal sensors
M Zhang, A Sawchuk
6th international ICST conference on body area networks, 2012
Computer-generated double-phase holograms
CK Hsueh, AA Sawchuk
Applied optics 17 (24), 3874-3883, 1978
Human daily activity recognition with sparse representation using wearable sensors
M Zhang, AA Sawchuk
IEEE journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 17 (3), 553-560, 2013
Space-variant image restoration by coordinate transformations
AA Sawchuk
JOSA 64 (2), 138-144, 1974
Motion primitive-based human activity recognition using a bag-of-features approach
M Zhang, AA Sawchuk
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT international health informatics symposium …, 2012
Optical crossbar networks
AA Sawchuk, BK Jenkins, CS Raghavendra, A Varma
Computer 20 (06), 50-60, 1987
Space-variant image motion degradation and restoration
AA Sawchuk
Proceedings of the IEEE 60 (7), 854-861, 1972
Digital image processing and analysis
R Chellappa, A Sawchuk
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1985
Supervised textured image segmentation using feature smoothing and probabilistic relaxation techniques
JY Hsiao, AA Sawchuk
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 11 (12), 1279 …, 1989
Architectural implications of a digital optical processor
BK Jenkins, P Chavel, R Forchheimer, AA Sawchuk, TC Strand
Applied Optics 23 (19), 3465-3474, 1984
Binary image algebra and optical cellular logic processor design
KS Huang, BK Jenkins, AA Sawchuk
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing 45 (3), 295-345, 1989
Unsupervised textured image segmentation using feature smoothing and probabilistic relaxation techniques
JY Hsiao, AA Sawchuk
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 48 (1), 1-21, 1989
Fiber-optic crossbar switch with broadcast capability
AR Dias, RF Kalman, JW Goodman, AA Sawchuk
Optical Engineering 27 (11), 955-960, 1988
Sequential optical logic implementation
BK Jenkins, AA Sawchuk, TC Strand, R Forchheimer, BH Soffer
Applied optics 23 (19), 3455-3464, 1984
From remote media immersion to distributed immersive performance
AA Sawchuk, E Chew, R Zimmermann, C Papadopoulos, C Kyriakakis
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMM workshop on Experiential telepresence, 110-120, 2003
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Articles 1–20