Wiener Werkstaette for suicide research
Wiener Werkstaette for suicide research
open and interdisciplinary research group in Vienna
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Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects
T Niederkrotenthaler, M Voracek, A Herberth, B Till, M Strauss, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 197 (3), 234-243, 2010
Religious affiliation and suicide attempt
K Dervic, MA Oquendo, MF Grunebaum, S Ellis, AK Burke, JJ Mann
American journal of psychiatry 161 (12), 2303-2308, 2004
Krisenintervention und Suizidverhütung
G Sonneck, N Kapusta, G Tomandl, M Voracek
UTB, 2016
Preventing suicide by influencing mass-media reporting. The Viennese experience 1980–1996
E Etzersdorfer, G Sonneck
Archives of Suicide Research 4 (1), 67-74, 1998
Changes in suicide rates following media reports on celebrity suicide: a meta-analysis
T Niederkrotenthaler, K Fu, PSF Yip, DYT Fong, S Stack, Q Cheng, ...
J epidemiol community health 66 (11), 1037-1042, 2012
Genetics of suicide: a systematic review of twin studies.
M Voracek, LM Loibl
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119, 2007
Mental health issues in unaccompanied refugee minors
J Huemer, NS Karnik, S Voelkl-Kernstock, E Granditsch, K Dervic, ...
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 3, 1-10, 2009
Imitative suicide on the Viennese subway
G Sonneck, E Etzersdorfer, S Nagel-Kuess
Social science & medicine 38 (3), 453-457, 1994
Assessing the impact of media guidelines for reporting on suicides in Austria: interrupted time series analysis
T Niederkrotenthaler, G Sonneck
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 41 (5), 419-428, 2007
Suicidal behavior and psychological distress in university students: a 12-nation study
M Eskin, JM Sun, J Abuidhail, K Yoshimasu, O Kujan, M Janghorbani, ...
Archives of suicide research 20 (3), 369-388, 2016
Who commits virtual identity suicide? Differences in privacy concerns, internet addiction, and personality between Facebook users and quitters
S Stieger, C Burger, M Bohn, M Voracek
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (9), 629-634, 2013
Increasing help-seeking and referrals for individuals at risk for suicide by decreasing stigma: the role of mass media
T Niederkrotenthaler, DJ Reidenberg, B Till, MS Gould
American journal of preventive medicine 47 (3), S235-S243, 2014
Lithium in drinking water is inversely associated with suicide mortality
LDK Kapusta ND, Mossaheb N, Etzersdorfer E, Hlavin G, Thau K, Milleit M ...
British Journal of Psychiatry 198, 346-350, 2011
Completed suicide in childhood
K Dervic, DA Brent, MA Oquendo
Psychiatric Clinics of North America 31 (2), 271-291, 2008
Copycat effects after media reports on suicide: A population-based ecologic study
T Niederkrotenthaler, B Till, ND Kapusta, M Voracek, K Dervic, G Sonneck
Social science & medicine 69 (7), 1085-1090, 2009
Protective factors against suicidal behavior in Latinos
MA Oquendo, D Dragatsi, J Harkavy-Friedman, K Dervic, D Currier, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 193 (7), 438-443, 2005
Declining autopsy rates and suicide misclassification: a cross-national analysis of 35 countries
ND Kapusta, US Tran, IRH Rockett, D De Leo, CPE Naylor, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 68 (10), 1050-1057, 2011
Suizid und Suizidprävention
M Wolfersdorf, E Etzersdorfer
Kohlhammer Verlag, 2011
Personality factors and suicide risk in a representative sample of the German general population
V Blüml, ND Kapusta, S Doering, E Brähler, B Wagner, A Kersting
PloS one 8 (10), e76646, 2013
Firearm legislation reform in the European Union: impact on firearm availability, firearm suicide and homicide rates in Austria
ND Kapusta, E Etzersdorfer, C Krall, G Sonneck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 191 (3), 253-257, 2007
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