Huansheng Ning
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on gas sensing technology
X Liu, S Cheng, H Liu, S Hu, D Zhang, H Ning
Sensors 12 (7), 9635-9665, 2012
Survey on fog computing: architecture, key technologies, applications and open issues
P Hu, S Dhelim, H Ning, T Qiu
Journal of network and computer applications 98, 27-42, 2017
A survey on the metaverse: The state-of-the-art, technologies, applications, and challenges
H Wang, H Ning, Y Lin, W Wang, S Dhelim, F Farha, J Ding, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (16), 14671-14688, 2023
Future internet of things architecture: like mankind neural system or social organization framework?
H Ning, Z Wang
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (4), 461-463, 2011
The Internet of things: from RFID to the next-generation pervasive networked systems
L Yan, Y Zhang, LT Yang, H Ning
Crc Press, 2008
Cyberentity security in the internet of things
H Ning, H Liu, LT Yang
Computer 46 (4), 46-53, 2013
Review on smart gas sensing technology
S Feng, F Farha, Q Li, Y Wan, Y Xu, T Zhang, H Ning
Sensors 19 (17), 3760, 2019
Frequency selective surfaces: A review
RS Anwar, L Mao, H Ning
Applied Sciences 8 (9), 1689, 2018
Security and privacy preservation scheme of face identification and resolution framework using fog computing in internet of things
P Hu, H Ning, T Qiu, H Song, Y Wang, X Yao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (5), 1143-1155, 2017
宁焕生, 徐群玉
电子学报 38 (011), 2590-2599, 2010
A survey: Cyber-physical-social systems and their system-level design methodology
J Zeng, LT Yang, M Lin, H Ning, J Ma
Future Generation Computer Systems 105, 1028-1042, 2020
Fog computing based face identification and resolution scheme in internet of things
P Hu, H Ning, T Qiu, Y Zhang, X Luo
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 13 (4), 1910-1920, 2016
Artificial intelligence in cyber security: research advances, challenges, and opportunities
Z Zhang, H Ning, F Shi, F Farha, Y Xu, J Xu, F Zhang, KKR Choo
Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-25, 2022
Cyber-physical-social based security architecture for future internet of things
H Ning, H Liu
Advances in Internet of Things 2 (01), 1, 2012
Cybermatics: Cyber–physical–social–thinking hyperspace based science and technology
H Ning, H Liu, J Ma, LT Yang, R Huang
Future generation computer systems 56, 504-522, 2016
Technology classification, industry, and education for Future Internet of Things
H Ning, S Hu
International journal of communication systems 25 (9), 1230-1241, 2012
Analysis of blockchain solutions for IoT: A systematic literature review
SK Lo, Y Liu, SY Chia, X Xu, Q Lu, L Zhu, H Ning
Ieee Access 7, 58822-58835, 2019
Cyber-physical-social-thinking space based science and technology framework for the Internet of Things
HS Ning, H Liu
Science China. Information Sciences 58 (3), 1-19, 2015
Using trust model to ensure reliable data acquisition in VANETs
X Yao, X Zhang, H Ning, P Li
Ad Hoc Networks 55, 107-118, 2017
Shared authority based privacy-preserving authentication protocol in cloud computing
H Liu, H Ning, Q Xiong, LT Yang
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 26 (1), 241-251, 2014
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Articles 1–20