Grahame Vittorini
Grahame Vittorini
Technical Director, Quantinuum
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Modular entanglement of atomic qubits using photons and phonons
D Hucul, IV Inlek, G Vittorini, C Crocker, S Debnath, SM Clark, C Monroe
Nature Physics 11 (1), 37-42, 2015
Implementing fault-tolerant entangling gates on the five-qubit code and the color code
C Ryan-Anderson, NC Brown, MS Allman, B Arkin, G Asa-Attuah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01863, 2022
Heating rates and ion-motion control in a -junction surface-electrode trap
G Shu, G Vittorini, A Buikema, CS Nichols, C Volin, D Stick, KR Brown
Physical Review A 89 (6), 062308, 2014
Experimental constraints on nonlinearities induced by two-photon effects in elastic and inelastic Rosenbluth separations
V Tvaskis, J Arrington, ME Christy, R Ent, CE Keppel, Y Liang, G Vittorini
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (2), 025206, 2006
Isospin dependent global nucleon-nucleus optical model at intermediate energies
SP Weppner, RB Penney, GW Diffendale, G Vittorini
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (3), 034608, 2009
Transformed composite sequences for improved qubit addressing
JT Merrill, SC Doret, G Vittorini, JP Addison, KR Brown
Physical Review A 90 (4), 040301, 2014
High fidelity state preparation and measurement of ion hyperfine qubits with I> 1/2
FA An, A Ransford, A Schaffer, LR Sletten, J Gaebler, J Hostetter, ...
Physical Review Letters 129, 130501, 2022
Entanglement of distinguishable quantum memories
G Vittorini, D Hucul, IV Inlek, C Crocker, C Monroe
Physical Review A 90 (4), 040302, 2014
High-fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits
CH Baldwin, BJ Bjork, M Foss-Feig, JP Gaebler, D Hayes, MG Kokish, ...
Physical Review A 103 (1), 012603, 2021
Identifying Single Molecular Ions by Resolved Sideband Measurements
JE Goeders, CR Clark, G Vittorini, K Wright, CR Viteri, K Brown
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 0
Modular cryostat for ion trapping with surface-electrode ion traps
G Vittorini, K Wright, KR Brown, AW Harter, SC Doret
arXiv:1302.4822, 2013
Quantum gates with phase stability over space and time
IV Inlek, G Vittorini, D Hucul, C Crocker, C Monroe
Physical Review A 90 (4), 042316, 2014
Modulating carrier and sideband coupling strengths in a standing-wave gate beam
TE deLaubenfels, KA Burkhardt, G Vittorini, JT Merrill, KR Brown, ...
Physical Review A 92 (6), 061402, 2015
Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid-Based Surface-Electrode Trap
RD Delaney, LR Sletten, MJ Cich, B Estey, MI Fabrikant, D Hayes, ...
Physical Review X 14 (4), 041028, 2024
Stability of ion chains in a cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap
G Vittorini
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
Erratum: Isospin dependent global nucleon-nucleus optical model at intermediate energies [Phys. Rev. C 80, 034608 (2009)]
SP Weppner, RB Penney, GW Diffendale, G Vittorini
Physical Review C 89 (4), 049904, 2014
Restoration and Improvement of a Pulsed Atomic Cluster Characterization Experiment
G Vittorini
Eckerd College, 2007
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Articles 1–17