Peter Asenbaum
Peter Asenbaum
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna
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Quantum superposition at the half-metre scale
T Kovachy, P Asenbaum, C Overstreet, CA Donnelly, SM Dickerson, ...
Nature 528 (7583), 530-533, 2015
Atom-Interferometric Test of the Equivalence Principle at the Level
P Asenbaum, C Overstreet, M Kim, J Curti, MA Kasevich
Physical Review Letters 125 (19), 191101, 2020
Phase shift in an atom interferometer due to spacetime curvature across its wave function
P Asenbaum, C Overstreet, T Kovachy, DD Brown, JM Hogan, ...
Physical review letters 118 (18), 183602, 2017
Real-time single-molecule imaging of quantum interference
T Juffmann, A Milic, M Müllneritsch, P Asenbaum, A Tsukernik, J Tüxen, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (5), 297-300, 2012
Cavity cooling of free silicon nanoparticles in high vacuum
P Asenbaum, S Kuhn, S Nimmrichter, U Sezer, M Arndt
Nature communications 4 (1), 2743, 2013
Observation of a gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect
C Overstreet, P Asenbaum, J Curti, M Kim, MA Kasevich
Science 375 (6577), 226-229, 2022
Effective inertial frame in an atom interferometric test of the equivalence principle
C Overstreet, P Asenbaum, T Kovachy, R Notermans, JM Hogan, ...
Physical review letters 120 (18), 183604, 2018
Cavity-assisted manipulation of freely rotating silicon nanorods in high vacuum
S Kuhn, P Asenbaum, A Kosloff, M Sclafani, BA Stickler, S Nimmrichter, ...
Nano letters 15 (8), 5604-5608, 2015
Silicon microcavity arrays with open access and a finesse of half a million
G Wachter, S Kuhn, S Minniberger, C Salter, P Asenbaum, J Millen, ...
light: science & applications 8 (1), 37, 2019
Master equation for the motion of a polarizable particle in a multimode cavity
S Nimmrichter, K Hammerer, P Asenbaum, H Ritsch, M Arndt
New Journal of Physics 12 (8), 083003, 2010
Physically significant phase shifts in matter-wave interferometry
C Overstreet, P Asenbaum, MA Kasevich
American Journal of Physics 89 (3), 324-332, 2021
Coherence in the presence of absorption and heating in a molecule interferometer
JP Cotter, S Eibenberger, L Mairhofer, X Cheng, P Asenbaum, M Arndt, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7336, 2015
40 W, 780 nm laser system with compensated dual beam splitters for atom interferometry
M Kim, R Notermans, C Overstreet, J Curti, P Asenbaum, MA Kasevich
Optics Letters 45 (23), 6555-6558, 2020
Cavity stabilization using the weak intrinsic birefringence of dielectric mirrors
P Asenbaum, M Arndt
Optics letters 36 (19), 3720-3722, 2011
Inference of gravitational field superposition from quantum measurements
C Overstreet, J Curti, M Kim, P Asenbaum, MA Kasevich, F Giacomini
Physical Review D 108 (8), 084038, 2023
Kovachy et al. reply
T Kovachy, P Asenbaum, C Overstreet, CA Donnelly, SM Dickerson, ...
Nature 537 (7618), E2-E3, 2016
Remote sensing of a levitated superconductor with a flux-tunable microwave cavity
P Schmidt, R Claessen, G Higgins, J Hofer, JJ Hansen, P Asenbaum, ...
Physical Review Applied 22 (1), 014078, 2024
Matter waves and clocks do not observe uniform gravitational fields
P Asenbaum, C Overstreet, MA Kasevich
Physica Scripta 99 (4), 046103, 2024
Atom-interferometric test of the equivalence principle
C Overstreet, P Asenbaum, M Kim, M Kasevich
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
Erratum: Coherence in the presence of absorption and heating in a molecule interferometer
JP Cotter, S Eibenberger, L Mairhofer, X Cheng, P Asenbaum, M Arndt, ...
Nature Communications 6, 2015
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