Urs Jenal
Urs Jenal
Biozentrum - University of Basel
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Definitions and guidelines for research on antibiotic persistence
NQ Balaban, S Helaine, K Lewis, M Ackermann, B Aldridge, DI Andersson, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 17 (7), 441-448, 2019
Cyclic di-GMP: second messenger extraordinaire
U Jenal, A Reinders, C Lori
Nature Reviews Microbiology 15 (5), 271-284, 2017
Mechanisms of cyclic-di-GMP signaling in bacteria
U Jenal, J Malone
Annu. Rev. Genet. 40 (1), 385-407, 2006
Cell cycle-dependent dynamic localization of a bacterial response regulator with a novel di-guanylate cyclase output domain
R Paul, S Weiser, NC Amiot, C Chan, T Schirmer, B Giese, U Jenal
Genes & development 18 (6), 715-727, 2004
Identification and characterization of a cyclic di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase and its allosteric control by GTP
M Christen, B Christen, M Folcher, A Schauerte, U Jenal
Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (35), 30829-30837, 2005
Structural basis of activity and allosteric control of diguanylate cyclase
C Chan, R Paul, D Samoray, NC Amiot, B Giese, U Jenal, T Schirmer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (49), 17084-17089, 2004
Structural and mechanistic determinants of c-di-GMP signalling
T Schirmer, U Jenal
Nature Reviews Microbiology 7 (10), 724-735, 2009
Second messenger-mediated adjustment of bacterial swimming velocity
A Boehm, M Kaiser, H Li, C Spangler, CA Kasper, M Ackermann, ...
Cell 141 (1), 107-116, 2010
Allosteric control of cyclic di-GMP signaling
B Christen, M Christen, R Paul, F Schmid, M Folcher, P Jenoe, M Meuwly, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (42), 32015-32024, 2006
Second messenger-mediated spatiotemporal control of protein degradation regulates bacterial cell cycle progression
A Duerig, S Abel, M Folcher, M Nicollier, T Schwede, N Amiot, B Giese, ...
Genes & development 23 (1), 93-104, 2009
Senescence in a bacterium with asymmetric division
M Ackermann, SC Stearns, U Jenal
Science 300 (5627), 1920-1920, 2003
An essential protease involved in bacterial cell-cycle control
U Jenal, T Fuchs
The EMBO journal 17 (19), 5658-5669, 1998
Role of the GGDEF regulator PleD in polar development of Caulobacter crescentus
P Aldridge, R Paul, P Goymer, P Rainey, U Jenal
Molecular microbiology 47 (6), 1695-1708, 2003
Cyclic di-guanosine-monophosphate comes of age: a novel secondary messenger involved in modulating cell surface structures in bacteria?
U Jenal
Current opinion in microbiology 7 (2), 185-191, 2004
Second messenger signalling governs Escherichia coli biofilm induction upon ribosomal stress
A Boehm, S Steiner, F Zaehringer, A Casanova, F Hamburger, D Ritz, ...
Molecular microbiology 72 (6), 1500-1516, 2009
Structure of BeF3−-modified response regulator PleD: implications for diguanylate cyclase activation, catalysis, and feedback inhibition
P Wassmann, C Chan, R Paul, A Beck, H Heerklotz, U Jenal, T Schirmer
Structure 15 (8), 915-927, 2007
YfiBNR Mediates Cyclic di-GMP Dependent Small Colony Variant Formation and Persistence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
JG Malone, T Jaeger, C Spangler, D Ritz, A Spang, C Arrieumerlou, ...
PLoS pathogens 6 (3), e1000804, 2010
Activation of the diguanylate cyclase PleD by phosphorylation-mediated dimerization
R Paul, S Abel, P Wassmann, A Beck, H Heerklotz, U Jenal
Journal of biological chemistry 282 (40), 29170-29177, 2007
Deciphering the assembly of the Yersinia type III secretion injectisome
A Diepold, M Amstutz, S Abel, I Sorg, U Jenal, GR Cornelis
The EMBO journal 29 (11), 1928-1940, 2010
DgrA is a member of a new family of cyclic diguanosine monophosphate receptors and controls flagellar motor function in Caulobacter crescentus
M Christen, B Christen, MG Allan, M Folcher, P Jenö, S Grzesiek, U Jenal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (10), 4112-4117, 2007
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