Eva Marinus
Eva Marinus
Leiterin Forschungsprofessur, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz
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Getting to the bottom of orthographic depth
X Schmalz, E Marinus, M Coltheart, A Castles
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22, 1614-1629, 2015
Phonics training for English‐speaking poor readers
G McArthur, Y Sheehan, NA Badcock, DA Francis, HC Wang, S Kohnen, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018
A special font for people with dyslexia: Does it work and, if so, why?
E Marinus, M Mostard, E Segers, TM Schubert, A Madelaine, K Wheldall
Dyslexia 22 (3), 233-244, 2016
Does phonological recoding occur during silent reading, and is it necessary for orthographic learning?
PF De Jong, DJL Bitter, M Van Setten, E Marinus
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 104 (3), 267-282, 2009
A computational model of the self‐teaching hypothesis based on the dual‐route cascaded model of reading
SC Pritchard, M Coltheart, E Marinus, A Castles
Cognitive Science 42 (3), 722-770, 2018
Variability in the word-reading performance of dyslexic readers: Effects of letter length, phoneme length and digraph presence
E Marinus, PF de Jong
Cortex 46 (10), 1259-1271, 2010
Unravelling the cognition of coding in 3-to-6-year olds: The development of an assessment tool and the relation between coding ability and cognitive compiling of syntax in …
E Marinus, Z Powell, R Thornton, G McArthur, S Crain
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education …, 2018
Orthographic processing and children’s word reading
SH Deacon, A Pasquarella, E Marinus, T Tims, A Castles
Applied Psycholinguistics 40 (2), 509-534, 2019
Phonological decoding or direct access? Regularity effects in lexical decisions of Grade 3 and 4 children
X Schmalz, E Marinus, A Castles
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (2), 338-346, 2013
The use of sublexical clusters in normal and dyslexic readers
E Marinus, PF De Jong
Scientific Studies of Reading 12 (3), 253-280, 2008
Tracking orthographic learning in children with different profiles of reading difficulty
HC Wang, E Marinus, L Nickels, A Castles
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 468, 2014
Unpredictability and complexity of print-to-speech correspondences increase reliance on lexical processes: More evidence for the orthographic depth hypothesis
X Schmalz, E Beyersmann, E Cavalli, E Marinus
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 28 (6), 658-672, 2016
Modelling the implicit learning of phonological decoding from training on whole-word spellings and pronunciations
SC Pritchard, M Coltheart, E Marinus, A Castles
Scientific studies of reading 20 (1), 49-63, 2016
Australian comparison data for the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)
E Marinus, S Kohnen, G McArthur
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 18 (2), 199-212, 2013
Size does not matter, frequency does: Sensitivity to orthographic neighbors in normal and dyslexic readers
E Marinus, PF de Jong
Journal of experimental child psychology 106 (2-3), 129-144, 2010
Phonetic radicals, not phonological coding systems, support orthographic learning via self-teaching in Chinese
L Li, HC Wang, A Castles, ML Hsieh, E Marinus
Cognition 176, 184-194, 2018
Increasing word-reading speed in poor readers: No additional benefits of explicit letter-cluster training
E Marinus, P de Jong, A van der Leij
Scientific Studies of Reading 16 (2), 166-185, 2012
Density and length in the neighborhood: Explaining cross-linguistic differences in learning to read in English and Dutch
E Marinus, K Nation, PF de Jong
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 139, 127-147, 2015
Dyslexic and typical-reading children use vowel digraphs as perceptual units in reading
E Marinus, PF de Jong
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (3), 504-516, 2011
Quantifying the reliance on different sublexical correspondences in German and English
X Schmalz, E Marinus, S Robidoux, S Palethorpe, A Castles, M Coltheart
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 26 (8), 831-852, 2014
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Articles 1–20