Renato Gomes
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Bayes-Nash equilibria of the generalized second price auction
RD Gomes, KS Sweeney
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Electronic Commerce, 107-108, 2009
Many‐to‐many matching and price discrimination
R Gomes, A Pavan
Theoretical Economics 11 (3), 1005-1052, 2016
Externalities in keyword auctions: An empirical and theoretical assessment
R Gomes, N Immorlica, E Markakis
International workshop on internet and network economics, 172-183, 2009
Optimal auction design in two‐sided markets
R Gomes
The RAND Journal of Economics 45 (2), 248-272, 2014
Differential taxation and occupational choice
R Gomes, JM Lozachmeur, A Pavan
The Review of Economic Studies 85 (1), 511-557, 2018
Shrouded transaction costs: must-take cards, discounts and surcharges
H Bourguignon, R Gomes, J Tirole
International Journal of Industrial Organization 63, 99-144, 2019
Mobile payments and interoperability: Insights from the academic literature
M Bianchi, M Bouvard, R Gomes, A Rhodes, V Shreeti
Information Economics and Policy 65, 101068, 2023
Experimentation and project selection: Screening and learning
R Gomes, D Gottlieb, L Maestri
Games and Economic Behavior 96, 145-169, 2016
Relationship between the Clinical Frailty Scale and short-term mortality in patients≥ 80 years old acutely admitted to the ICU: a prospective cohort study
J Fronczek, K Polok, DW De Lange, C Jung, M Beil, A Rhodes, J Fjølner, ...
Critical Care 25, 1-9, 2021
Price customization and targeting in matching markets
R Gomes, A Pavan
The RAND Journal of Economics 55 (2), 230-265, 2024
Regulating platform fees under price parity
R Gomes, A Mantovani
Journal of the European Economic Association, jvae014, 2024
Missed sales and the pricing of ancillary goods
R Gomes, J Tirole
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 133 (4), 2097-2169, 2018
Optimal revenue-sharing double auctions with applications to ad exchanges
R Gomes, V Mirrokni
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, 19-28, 2014
Competitive screening under heterogeneous information
DF Garrett, R Gomes, L Maestri
The Review of Economic Studies 86 (4), 1590-1630, 2019
Card surcharges and cash discounts: Simple economics and regulatory lessons
H Bourguignon, R Gomes, J Tirole
Competition Policy International 10 (2), 12-27, 2014
Liquid–liquid equilibria data of protic ionic liquid (ethyl-2-hydroxyethylammonium propionate, diethylammonium propionate, or butylammonium propionate) with 1-butanol+ water at …
R dos Santos Gomes, S Mattedi, GR Santos
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 64 (7), 2915-2922, 2019
Two-sided Markets, Platforms, and Matching Design
R Gomes, A Pavan
Online and Matching-Based Market Design, Cambridge University Press, 2021
Oligopoly under incomplete information: on the welfare effects of price discrimination
D Garrett, R Gomes, L Maestri
International Journal of Industrial Organization 79, 102735, 2021
Two-sided markets and matching design
R Gomes, A Pavan
Online Matching Theory and Market Design, 2021
Correction to: Withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining therapy in older adults (≥ 80 years) admitted to the intensive care unit
B Guidet, H Flaatten, A Boumendil, A Morandi, FH Andersen, A Artigas, ...
Intensive care medicine 44, 1598-1601, 2018
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