Ismael Gutierrez Garcia
Ismael Gutierrez Garcia
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Strong Markov processes and negative definite functions associated with non-Archimedean elliptic pseudo-differential operators
I Gutiérrez García, A Torresblanca-Badillo
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 11 (1), 345-362, 2020
R-IoT: An architecture based on recoding RLNC for IOT wireless network with erase channel
YR Julio, IG Garcia, J Marquez
International Conference on Information Technology & Systems, 579-588, 2020
Some classes of non-archimedean pseudo-differential operators related to Bessel potentials
I Gutiérrez García, A Torresblanca-Badillo
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 11 (3), 1111-1137, 2020
Fulcrum Rateless Multicast Distributed Coding Design
JM Y Rivera, I Gutierrez
IEEE Access, 2023
Finite time blow-up for a p-adic nonlocal semilinear ultradiffusion equation
LF Chacón-Cortes, I Gutiérrez-García, A Torresblanca-Badillo, A Vargas
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 494 (2), 124599, 2021
Fulcrum Coding Performance on Fog Computing Architecture
RJY Enrique, G Ismael, M Jose
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (11), 1966-1974, 2020
Probability density functions and the dynamics of complex systems associated to some classes of non-archimedean pseudo-differential operators
I Gutiérrez-García, A Torresblanca-Badillo
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 12 (1), 12, 2021
Approach of multicasting routing with solution for network coding applying edmonds-karp
J Márquez, I Gutiérrez, E Sánchez
2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIII Congress of the …, 2018
Energy landscapes and non-Archimedean pseudo-differential operators as tools for studying the spreading of infectious diseases in a situation of extreme social isolation
V Aguilar-Arteaga, GI Gutiérrez, A Torresblanca-Badillo
Kragujev. J. Math. 48 (6), 827-844, 2024
Una introducción a la criptografía de clave pública 2a
W Willems, IG García
Universidad del Norte, 2010
Performance dynamic coding RLNC LoRa on smart cities
Y Rivera, I Gutiérrez, J Márquez, R Porto, S Castaño
2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering …, 2021
Constructions of cyclic and quasi-cyclic Grassmannian codes
I Gutiérrez-García, IM Naizir
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (07), 1180-1190, 2019
Packet output and input configuration in a multicasting session using network coding
J Márquez, I Gutiérrez, S Valle, M Falco
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 13 (2), 686-710, 2019
Matemáticas para informática
IG García
Universidad del Norte, 2010
The G-strong containment for locally defined formations of finite soluble groups
ISG García
Journal of Algebra 299 (1), 115-123, 2006
Integrating Random Linear Network Coding and Content Delivery Networks for Reduced Latency in Heterogeneous Network Processing of Mobile Devices
Y Rivera, I Gutierrez, A Pinto, JM Torres Tovio, F Ibarra, C Revueltas, ...
Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense …, 2023
Finding cliques in projective space: a method for construction of cyclic Grassmannian codes
I Gutierrez-Garcia, IM Naizir
IEEE Access 8, 51333-51339, 2020
Non-Archimedean pseudo-differential operators with Bessel Potentials
I Gutiérrez García, A Torresblanca-Badillo
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1904.01968, 2019
Coding and decoding packet in a multicast network: programing test
J Marquez, I Gutierrez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (2), 598-603, 2018
Manual de álgebra lineal
SC Hernández, AB Sarmiento, IG García
Universidad del Norte, 2017
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