Roser Casas-Mulet
Cited by
Cited by
River rehabilitation for the delivery of multiple ecosystem services at the river network scale
DJ Gilvear, CJ Spray, R Casas-Mulet
Journal of environmental management 126, 30-43, 2013
Physical and biological controls on fine sediment transport and storage in rivers
MA Wilkes, JR Gittins, KL Mathers, R Mason, R Casas‐Mulet, D Vanzo, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1331, 2019
The Survival of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Eggs During Dewatering in a River Subjected to Hydropeaking
R Casas‐Mulet, SJ Saltveit, K Alfredsen
River Research and Applications 31 (4), 433-446, 2015
The effects of hydropeaking on hyporheic interactions based on field experiments
R Casas‐Mulet, K Alfredsen, B Hamududu, NP Timalsina
Hydrological processes 29 (6), 1370-1384, 2015
Hydrological and thermal effects of hydropeaking on early life stages of salmonids: A modelling approach for implementing mitigation strategies
R Casas-Mulet, SJ Saltveit, KT Alfredsen
Science of The Total Environment 573, 1660-1672, 2016
Trends and issues in delivery of integrated catchment scale river restoration: lessons learned from a national river restoration survey within Scotland
DJ Gilvear, R Casas‐Mulet, CJ Spray
River research and applications 28 (2), 234-246, 2012
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based thermal infra-red (TIR) and optical imagery reveals multi-spatial scale controls of cold-water areas over a groundwater-dominated riverscape
R Casas-Mulet, J Pander, D Ryu, MJ Stewardson, J Geist
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 64, 2020
Miljøvirkninger av effektkjøring: Kunnskapsstatus og råd til forvaltning og industri
TH Bakken, T Forseth, A Harby, K Alfredsen, JV Arnekleiv, OK Berg, ...
Modelling of environmental flow options for optimal Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, embryo survival during hydropeaking
R Casas‐Mulet, K Alfredsen, Å Killingtveit
Fisheries Management and Ecology 21 (6), 480-490, 2014
Key hydraulic drivers and patterns of fine sediment accumulation in gravel streambeds: A conceptual framework illustrated with a case study from the Kiewa River, Australia
R Casas-Mulet, KT Alfredsen, AH McCluskey, S MJ
Geomorphology 299, 152-164, 2017
Survival of eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in a drawdown zone of a regulated river influenced by groundwater
R Casas-Mulet, K Alfredsen, Å Brabrand, SJ Saltveit
Hydrobiologia 743, 269-284, 2015
Assessing stream thermal heterogeneity and cold-water patches from UAV-based imagery: A matter of classification methods and metrics
J Kuhn, R Casas-Mulet, J Pander, J Geist
Remote Sensing 13 (7), 1379, 2021
Performance of a one‐dimensional hydraulic model for the calculation of stranding areas in hydropeaking rivers
R Casas‐Mulet, K Alfredsen, T Boissy, H Sundt, N Rüther
River research and applications 31 (2), 143-155, 2015
Minimising biases in expert elicitations to inform environmental management: Case studies from environmental flows in Australia
SC de Litte, R Casas-Mulet, L Patulny, J Wand, KA Miller, F Fidler, S MJ, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 100, 146-158, 2018
Hydropeaking: Processes, effects, and mitigation
DS Hayes, L Schülting, M Carolli, F Greimel, RJ Batalla, R Casas-Mulet
Elsevier, 2022
Impacts of hydrological alterations on water quality
M Arora, R Casas-Mulet, JF Costelloe, TJ Peterson, AH McCluskey, ...
Water for the Environment: from Policy and Science to Implementation and …, 2017
Closing the gap between science and management of cold-water refuges in rivers and streams
FH Mejia, V Ouellet, MA Briggs, SM Carlson, R Casas-Mulet, M Chapman, ...
Global change biology, 2023
Two decades of ecohydraulics: trends of an emerging interdiscipline
R Casas-Mulet, E King, D Hoogeveen, L Duong, G Lakhanpal, T Baldwin, ...
Journal of Ecohydraulics 1 (1-2), 16-30, 2016
Hydropower operations in groundwater‐influenced rivers: implications for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, early life stage development and survival
R Casas‐Mulet, K Alfredsen, Å Brabrand, SJ Saltveit
Fisheries Management and Ecology 23 (2), 144-151, 2016
Effects of Stream Thermal Variability on Macroinvertebrate Community Composition
J Pander, L Habersetzer, R Casas-Mulet, J Geist
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 374, 2022
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Articles 1–20