Igor Ferrier-Barbut
Igor Ferrier-Barbut
CNRS, Institut d'Optique, Laboratoire Charles Fabry
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Observation of quantum droplets in a strongly dipolar Bose gas
I Ferrier-Barbut, H Kadau, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, T Pfau
Physical Review Letters 116, 215301, 2016
Observing the Rosensweig instability of a quantum ferrofluid
H Kadau, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, C Wink, T Maier, I Ferrier-Barbut, T Pfau
Nature 530, 194-197, 2016
Self-bound droplets of a dilute magnetic quantum liquid
M Schmitt, M Wenzel, F Böttcher, I Ferrier-Barbut, T Pfau
Nature 539, 259-262, 2016
Dipolar physics: a review of experiments with magnetic quantum gases
L Chomaz, I Ferrier-Barbut, F Ferlaino, B Laburthe-Tolra, BL Lev, T Pfau
Reports on Progress in Physics 86 (2), 026401, 2022
A Mixture of Bose and Fermi Superfluids
I Ferrier-Barbut, M Delehaye, S Laurent, AT Grier, M Pierce, BS Rem, ...
Science 345 (6200), 1035-1038, 2014
-enhanced sub-Doppler cooling of lithium atoms in gray molasses
AT Grier, I Ferrier-Barbut, BS Rem, M Delehaye, L Khaykovich, F Chevy, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 063411, 2013
Lifetime of the Bose gas with resonant interactions
BS Rem, AT Grier, I Ferrier-Barbut, U Eismann, T Langen, N Navon, ...
Physical review letters 110 (16), 163202, 2013
Striped states in a many-body system of tilted dipoles
M Wenzel, F Böttcher, T Langen, I Ferrier-Barbut, T Pfau
Physical Review A 96 (5), 053630, 2017
Emergence of chaotic scattering in ultracold Er and Dy
T Maier, H Kadau, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, I Ferrier-Barbut, T Pfau, A Frisch, ...
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041029, 2015
Dilute dipolar quantum droplets beyond the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation
F Böttcher, M Wenzel, JN Schmidt, M Guo, T Langen, I Ferrier-Barbut, ...
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033088, 2019
Many-body signatures of collective decay in atomic chains
SJ Masson, I Ferrier-Barbut, LA Orozco, A Browaeys, A Asenjo-Garcia
Physical review letters 125 (26), 263601, 2020
Critical velocity and dissipation of an ultracold Bose-Fermi counterflow
M Delehaye, S Laurent, I Ferrier-Barbut, S Jin, F Chevy, C Salomon
Physical review letters 115 (26), 265303, 2015
Scissors mode of dipolar quantum droplets of dysprosium atoms
I Ferrier-Barbut, M Wenzel, F Böttcher, T Langen, M Isoard, S Stringari, ...
Physical review letters 120 (16), 160402, 2018
Storage and release of subradiant excitations in a dense atomic cloud
G Ferioli, A Glicenstein, L Henriet, I Ferrier-Barbut, A Browaeys
Physical Review X 11 (2), 021031, 2021
Liquid quantum droplets of ultracold magnetic atoms
I Ferrier-Barbut, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, H Kadau, T Pfau
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (21), 214004, 2016
Broad universal Feshbach resonances in the chaotic spectrum of dysprosium atoms
T Maier, I Ferrier-Barbut, H Kadau, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, C Wink, T Pfau, ...
Physical Review A 92 (6), 060702, 2015
Universal Loss Dynamics in a Unitary Bose Gas
U Eismann, L Khaykovich, S Laurent, I Ferrier-Barbut, BS Rem, AT Grier, ...
Physical Review X 6, 021025, 2015
Collective shift in resonant light scattering by a one-dimensional atomic chain
A Glicenstein, G Ferioli, N Sibalic, L Brossard, I Ferrier-Barbut, ...
Physical review letters 124, 253602, 2020
A non-equilibrium superradiant phase transition in free space
G Ferioli, A Glicenstein, I Ferrier-Barbut, A Browaeys
Nature Physics 19 (9), 1345-1349, 2023
Laser-driven superradiant ensembles of two-level atoms near Dicke regime
G Ferioli, A Glicenstein, F Robicheaux, RT Sutherland, A Browaeys, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (24), 243602, 2021
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Articles 1–20