Mathieu Barthelemy
Mathieu Barthelemy
Universite Grenoble Alpes
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Nanobob: a CubeSat mission concept for quantum communication experiments in an uplink configuration
E Kerstel, A Gardelein, M Barthelemy, M Fink, SK Joshi, R Ursin
EPJ Quantum Technology 5 (1), 6, 2018
Comprehensive calculation of the energy per ion pair or W values for five major planetary upper atmospheres
C Simon Wedlund, G Gronoff, J Lilensten, H Ménager, M Barthélemy
Annales geophysicae 29 (1), 187-195, 2011
The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets
CS Arridge, N Achilleos, J Agarwal, CB Agnor, R Ambrosi, N André, ...
Planetary and Space Science 104, 122-140, 2014
Earth‐based detection of Uranus' aurorae
L Lamy, R Prangé, KC Hansen, JT Clarke, P Zarka, B Cecconi, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (7), 2012
Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets
CS Arridge, CB Agnor, N André, KH Baines, LN Fletcher, D Gautier, ...
Experimental Astronomy 33, 753-791, 2012
Transmission spectrum of Venus as a transiting exoplanet
D Ehrenreich, A Vidal-Madjar, T Widemann, G Gronoff, P Tanga, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 537, L2, 2012
Q3Sat: quantum communications uplink to a 3U CubeSat—feasibility & design
SP Neumann, SK Joshi, M Fink, T Scheidl, R Blach, C Scharlemann, ...
EPJ Quantum Technology 5 (1), 1-24, 2018
Modelling the Venusian airglow
G Gronoff, J Lilensten, C Simon, M Barthélemy, F Leblanc, O Dutuit
Astronomy & Astrophysics 482 (3), 1015-1029, 2008
Computing uncertainties in ionosphere‐airglow models: II. The Martian airglow
G Gronoff, C Simon Wedlund, CJ Mertens, M Barthélemy, RJ Lillis, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A5), 2012
Dications and thermal ions in planetary atmospheric escape
J Lilensten, CS Wedlund, M Barthélémy, R Thissen, D Ehrenreich, ...
Icarus 222 (1), 169-187, 2013
H Lyman α line in Jovian aurorae: electron transport and radiative transfer coupled modelling
H Menager, M Barthélemy, J Lilensten
Astronomy & Astrophysics 509, A56, 2010
Calculation of the H Lyman α emission of the hot Jupiters HD 209458b and HD 189733b
H Menager, M Barthélemy, T Koskinen, J Lilensten, D Ehrenreich, ...
Icarus 226 (2), 1709-1718, 2013
What characterizes planetary space weather?
J Lilensten, AJ Coates, V Dehant, T Dudok de Wit, RB Horne, F Leblanc, ...
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 22, 1-39, 2014
Polarization in aurorae: A new dimension for space environments studies
J Lilensten, J Moen, M Barthelemy, R Thissen, C Simon, DA Lorentzen, ...
Geophysical research letters 35 (8), 2008
Virtual planetary space weather services offered by the Europlanet H2020 research infrastructure
N André, M Grande, N Achilleos, M Barthélémy, M Bouchemit, K Benson, ...
Planetary and Space Science 150, 50-59, 2018
Prediction of blue, red and green aurorae at Mars
J Lilensten, D Bernard, M Barthélémy, G Gronoff, CS Wedlund, A Opitz
Planetary and Space Science 115, 48-56, 2015
Exoplanet status report: Observation, characterization and evolution of exoplanets and their host stars
H Lammer, A Hanslmeier, J Schneider, IK Stateva, M Barthelemy, A Belu, ...
Solar System Research 44, 290-310, 2010
Modelling the Lyman dayglow in the jovian atmosphere
M Barthélemy, C Parkinson, J Lilensten, R Prangé
Astronomy & Astrophysics 423 (1), 391-395, 2004
Small satellite mission concepts for space weather research and as pathfinders for operations
A Caspi, M Barthelemy, CD Bussy‐Virat, IJ Cohen, CE DeForest, ...
Space Weather 20 (2), e2020SW002554, 2022
The auroral red line polarisation: modelling and measurements
J Lilensten, V Bommier, M Barthélemy, H Lamy, D Bernard, JI Moen, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 5, A26, 2015
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