Amy Zhao Yu
Amy Zhao Yu
MIT Media Lab
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Cited by
Cited by
Disambiguation and co-authorship networks of the US patent inventor database (1975–2010)
GC Li, R Lai, A D’Amour, DM Doolin, Y Sun, VI Torvik, ZY Amy, L Fleming
Research Policy 43 (6), 941-955, 2014
Recognizing academic performance, sleep quality, stress level, and mental health using personality traits, wearable sensors and mobile phones
A Sano, AJ Phillips, ZY Amy, AW McHill, S Taylor, N Jaques, CA Czeisler, ...
2015 IEEE 12th international conference on wearable and implantable body …, 2015
Pantheon 1.0, a manually verified dataset of globally famous biographies
AZ Yu, S Ronen, K Hu, T Lu, CA Hidalgo
Scientific data 3 (1), 1-16, 2016
Prediction of happy-sad mood from daily behaviors and previous sleep history
A Sano, ZY Amy, AW McHill, AJK Phillips, S Taylor, N Jaques, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
How the medium shapes the message: Printing and the rise of the arts and sciences
C Jara-Figueroa, AZ Yu, CA Hidalgo
PloS one 14 (2), e0205771, 2019
Pantheon: A dataset for the study of global cultural production
AZ Yu, S Ronen, K Hu, T Lu, CA Hidalgo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.07310, 2015
Disambiguation and Co‐authorship networks of the US patent inventor database (1975–2010). Harvard Dataverse
R Lai, A D’Amour, A Yu, Y Sun, L Fleming
Disambiguation and co-author networks of the US Patent Inventor Database
R Lai, A D’Amour, A Yu, Y Sun, L Fleming
Harvard Business School WP, 2009
Disambiguation and Co-authorship Networks of the U
R Lai, A D’Amour, A Yu, Y Sun, L Fleming
S. Patent Inventor Database, 1-38, 2011
Disambiguation and Co-Authorship Networks of the US Patent Inventor Database (1975–2010)
L Ronald, A D'Amour, A Yu, Y Sun, L Fleming
Harvard Dataverse, V5, 2011
& Picard, RW (2015, June). Recognizing academic performance, sleep quality, stress level, and mental health using personality traits, wearable sensors and mobile phones
A Sano, AJ Phillips, ZY Amy, AW McHill, S Taylor, N Jaques
2015 IEEE 12th international conference on wearable and implantable body …, 0
The medium is the memory: how communication technologies shape what we remember
C Jara-Figueroa, AZ Yu, CA Hidalgo
arXiv 1512, v3, 2016
Pantheon: visualizing historical cultural production
AZ Yu, KZ Hu, D Jagdish, CA Hidalgo
2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 289-290, 2014
Pantheon: visualizing the structure and dynamics of global cultural production
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014
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Articles 1–14