Xavier Granier
Xavier Granier
Institut d'Optique Graduate School/LP2N
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The revealing flashlight: Interactive spatial augmented reality for detail exploration of cultural heritage artifacts
B Ridel, P Reuter, J Laviole, N Mellado, N Couture, X Granier
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 7 (2), 1-18, 2014
Radiance scaling for versatile surface enhancement
R Vergne, R Pacanowski, P Barla, X Granier, C Schlick
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics …, 2010
Interactive virtual relighting and remodeling of real scenes
C Loscos, MC Frasson, G Drettakis, B Walter, X Granier, P Poulin
Rendering Techniques’ 99: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in …, 1999
Accurate light source acquisition and rendering
M Goesele, X Granier, W Heidrich, HP Seidel
ACM Siggraph 2003 Papers, 621-630, 2003
Light warping for enhanced surface depiction
R Vergne, R Pacanowski, P Barla, X Granier, C Schlick
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, 1-8, 2009
Volume‐surface trees
T Boubekeur, W Heidrich, X Granier, C Schlick
Computer Graphics Forum 25 (3), 399-406, 2006
Efficient Glossy Global Illumination with Interactive Viewing
M Stamminger, A Scheel, X Granier, F Perez-Cazorla, G Drettakis, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 19 (1), 13-25, 2000
Efficient Glossy Global Illumination with Interactive Viewing
M Stamminger, A Scheel, X Granier, F Perez-Cazorla, G Drettakis, ...
Graphics Interface'99 (GI 99), 50-57, 1999
The visual appearances of disordered optical metasurfaces
K Vynck, R Pacanowski, A Agreda, A Dufay, X Granier, P Lalanne
Nature Materials 21 (9), 1035-1041, 2022
Apparent relief: a shape descriptor for stylized shading
R Vergne, P Barla, X Granier, C Schlick
Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Non-photorealistic …, 2008
Rational brdf
R Pacanowski, OS Celis, C Schlick, X Granier, P Poulin, A Cuyt
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (11), 1824-1835, 2012
Online tracking of outdoor lighting variations for augmented reality with moving cameras
Y Liu, X Granier
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (4), 573-580, 2012
Using expressive rendering for remote visualization of large city models
JC Quillet, G Thomas, X Granier, P Guitton, JE Marvie
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on 3D web technology, 27-35, 2006
A simple layered RGB BRDF model
X Granier, W Heidrich
Graphical Models 65 (4), 171-184, 2003
Non‐Oriented MLS Gradient Fields
J Chen, G Guennebaud, P Barla, X Granier
Computer graphics forum 32 (8), 98-109, 2013
Improved skeleton extraction and surface generation for sketch-based modeling
F Levet, X Granier
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, 27-33, 2007
Incremental updates for rapid glossy global illumination
X Granier, G Drettakis
Computer Graphics Forum 20 (3), 268-277, 2001
On-line visualization of underground structures using context features
J Chen, X Granier, N Lin, Q Peng
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2010
Implicit Brushes for Stylized Line‐based Rendering
R Vergne, D Vanderhaeghe, J Chen, P Barla, X Granier, C Schlick
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (2), 513-522, 2011
Fast global illumination including specular effects
X Granier, G Drettakis, B Walter
Rendering Techniques 2000: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Brno …, 2000
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