Lothar Breuer
Lothar Breuer
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An introduction to queueing theory: and matrix-analytic methods
L Breuer, D Baum
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
A Retrial BMAP/PH/N System
L Breuer, A Dudin, V Klimenok
Queueing systems 40, 433-457, 2002
An EM algorithm for batch Markovian arrival processes and its comparison to a simpler estimation procedure
L Breuer
Annals of Operations Research 112, 123-138, 2002
Risk processes analyzed as fluid queues
A Badescu, L Breuer, A Da Silva Soares, G Latouche, MA Remiche, ...
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2005 (2), 127-141, 2005
First passage times for Markov additive processes with positive jumps of phase type
L Breuer
Journal of Applied Probability 45 (3), 779-799, 2008
Phase-type approximations to finite-time ruin probabilities in the Sparre-Andersen and stationary renewal risk models
DA Stanford, F Avram, AL Badescu, L Breuer, ADS Soares, G Latouche
ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA 35 (1), 131-144, 2005
From Markov jump processes to spatial queues
L Breuer
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Threshold policies for controlled retrial queues with heterogeneous servers
D Frosinin, L Breuer
Annals of Operations Research 141, 139-162, 2006
The BMAP/G/1/N-->·/PH/1/M tandem queue with losses
V Klimenok, L Breuer, G Tsarenkov, A Dudin
Performance Evaluation 61 (1), 17-40, 2005
A quintuple law for Markov additive processes with phase-type jumps
L Breuer
Journal of applied probability 47 (2), 441-458, 2010
The Queueing Model MAP| PH| 1| N with Feedback Operating in a Markovian Random Environment
AN Dudin, AV Kazimirsky, VI Klimenok, L Breuer, U Krieger
Austrian Journal of Statistics 34 (2), 101-110, 2005
Modeling the access to a wireless network at hot spots
L Breuer, V Klimenok, A Birukov, A Dudin, UR Krieger
European Transactions on Telecommunications 16 (4), 309-316, 2005
The surplus prior to ruin and the deficit at ruin for a correlated risk process
AL Badescu, L Breuer, S Drekic, G Latouche, DA Stanford
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2005 (6), 433-445, 2005
The BMAP/G/1→⋅/PH/1/M tandem queue with feedback and losses
CS Kim, V Klimenok, G Tsarenkov, L Breuer, A Dudin
Performance Evaluation 64 (7-8), 802-818, 2007
Fluid queues to solve jump processes
T Dzial, L Breuer, A da Silva Soares, G Latouche, MA Remiche
Performance Evaluation 62 (1-4), 132-146, 2005
The Periodic BMAP/PH/c Queue
L Breuer
Queueing Systems 38, 67-76, 2001
An EM algorithm for Markovian arrival processes observed at discrete times
L Breuer, A Kume
International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of …, 2010
A BMAP| PH| 1 queue with feedback operating in a random environment
U Krieger, VI Klimenok, AV Kazimirsky, L Breuer, AN Dudin
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 41 (8-9), 867-882, 2005
Occupation times for Markov-modulated Brownian motion
L Breuer
Journal of Applied Probability 49 (2), 549-565, 2012
On Markov-additive jump processes
L Breuer
Queueing Systems 40, 75-91, 2002
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