Kenneth P. Olive
Kenneth P. Olive
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Inhibition of Hedgehog signaling enhances delivery of chemotherapy in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer
KP Olive, MA Jacobetz, CJ Davidson, A Gopinathan, D McIntyre, ...
Science 324 (5933), 1457-1461, 2009
Stromal elements act to restrain, rather than support, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
AD Rhim, PE Oberstein, DH Thomas, ET Mirek, CF Palermo, SA Sastra, ...
Cancer cell 25 (6), 735-747, 2014
Mutant p53 gain of function in two mouse models of Li-Fraumeni syndrome
KP Olive, DA Tuveson, ZC Ruhe, B Yin, NA Willis, RT Bronson, D Crowley, ...
Cell 119 (6), 847-860, 2004
Stromal biology and therapy in pancreatic cancer
A Neesse, P Michl, KK Frese, C Feig, N Cook, MA Jacobetz, MP Lolkema, ...
Gut 60 (6), 861-868, 2011
Cysteine depletion induces pancreatic tumor ferroptosis in mice
MA Badgley, DM Kremer, HC Maurer, KE DelGiorno, HJ Lee, V Purohit, ...
Science 368 (6486), 85-89, 2020
The differential effects of mutant p53 alleles on advanced murine lung cancer
EL Jackson, KP Olive, DA Tuveson, R Bronson, D Crowley, M Brown, ...
Cancer research 65 (22), 10280-10288, 2005
Pancreatic cancer: why is it so hard to treat?
PE Oberstein, KP Olive
Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology 6 (4), 321-337, 2013
β2 adrenergic-neurotrophin feedforward loop promotes pancreatic cancer
BW Renz, R Takahashi, T Tanaka, M Macchini, Y Hayakawa, Z Dantes, ...
Cancer cell 33 (1), 75-90. e7, 2018
Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering nanostars for high-precision cancer imaging
S Harmsen, R Huang, MA Wall, H Karabeber, JM Samii, M Spaliviero, ...
Science translational medicine 7 (271), 271ra7-271ra7, 2015
The use of targeted mouse models for preclinical testing of novel cancer therapeutics
KP Olive, DA Tuveson
Clinical Cancer Research 12 (18), 5277-5287, 2006
Multivalent small-molecule pan-RAS inhibitors
ME Welsch, A Kaplan, JM Chambers, ME Stokes, PH Bos, A Zask, ...
Cell 168 (5), 878-889. e29, 2017
Dclk1 defines quiescent pancreatic progenitors that promote injury-induced regeneration and tumorigenesis
CB Westphalen, Y Takemoto, T Tanaka, M Macchini, Z Jiang, BW Renz, ...
Cell stem cell 18 (4), 441-455, 2016
Cholinergic signaling via muscarinic receptors directly and indirectly suppresses pancreatic tumorigenesis and cancer stemness
BW Renz, T Tanaka, M Sunagawa, R Takahashi, Z Jiang, M Macchini, ...
Cancer discovery 8 (11), 1458-1473, 2018
Tumor restriction by type I collagen opposes tumor-promoting effects of cancer-associated fibroblasts
S Bhattacharjee, F Hamberger, A Ravichandra, M Miller, A Nair, S Affo, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 131 (11), 2024
Experimental microdissection enables functional harmonisation of pancreatic cancer subtypes
C Maurer, SR Holmstrom, J He, P Laise, T Su, A Ahmed, H Hibshoosh, ...
Gut 68 (6), 1034-1043, 2019
Germline Brca2 heterozygosity promotes KrasG12D-driven carcinogenesis in a murine model of familial pancreatic cancer
F Skoulidis, LD Cassidy, V Pisupati, JG Jonasson, H Bjarnason, ...
Cancer cell 18 (5), 499-509, 2010
The TLR7/8 agonist R848 remodels tumor and host responses to promote survival in pancreatic cancer
KA Michaelis, MA Norgard, X Zhu, PR Levasseur, S Sivagnanam, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4682, 2019
GOT1 inhibition promotes pancreatic cancer cell death by ferroptosis
DM Kremer, BS Nelson, L Lin, EL Yarosz, CJ Halbrook, SA Kerk, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4860, 2021
Genetically engineered mouse models of pancreatic cancer
CB Westphalen, KP Olive
The Cancer Journal 18 (6), 502-510, 2012
Current and emerging therapies in metastatic pancreatic cancer
GA Manji, KP Olive, YM Saenger, P Oberstein
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (7), 1670-1678, 2017
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