Wanshan Li
Wanshan Li
PhD student at Department of Statistics and Data Science, CMU
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Co-citation and Co-authorship Networks of Statisticians
P Ji, J Jin, ZT Ke, W Li
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40 (2), 469-485, 2022
Nonparametric estimation in the dynamic Bradley-Terry model
H Bong, W Li, S Shrotriya, A Rinaldo
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3317-3326, 2020
Recent advances in text analysis
ZT Ke, P Ji, J Jin, W Li
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 11, 2023
-Bounds of the MLE in the BTL Model under General Comparison Graphs
W Li, S Shrotriya, A Rinaldo
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1178-1187, 2022
Multilayer random dot product graphs: Estimation and online change point detection
F Wang, W Li, OHM Padilla, Y Yu, A Rinaldo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.15286, 2023
Detecting Abrupt Changes in Sequential Pairwise Comparison Data
W Li, A Rinaldo, D Wang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 37851-37864, 2022
Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming: An Almost Linear Time Change Point Detection Methodology in High Dimensions
W Li, D Wang, A Rinaldo
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
Efficient Estimation of Distribution-free dynamics in the Bradley-Terry Model
H Bong, W Li, S Shrotriya
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