Michael A Taylor
Michael A Taylor
University of Otago
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Biological measurement beyond the quantum limit
MA Taylor, J Janousek, V Daria, J Knittel, B Hage, HA Bachor, WP Bowen
Nature Photonics 7, 229-233, 2013
Quantum metrology and its application in biology
MA Taylor, WP Bowen
Physics Reports 615, 1059, 2016
Quantum-enhanced nonlinear microscopy
CA Casacio, LS Madsen, A Terrasson, M Waleed, K Barnscheidt, B Hage, ...
Nature 594 (7862), 201-206, 2021
Evanescent single-molecule biosensing with quantum-limited precision
NP Mauranyapin, LS Madsen, MA Taylor, M Waleed, WP Bowen
Nature Photonics, 2017
Subdiffraction-Limited Quantum Imaging within a Living Cell
MA Taylor, J Janousek, V Daria, J Knittel, B Hage, HA Bachor, WP Bowen
Physical Review X 4 (1), 011017, 2014
Enhanced optical trapping via structured scattering
MA Taylor, M Waleed, AB Stilgoe, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, WP Bowen
Nature Photonics 9, 669–673, 2015
Cellular-resolution imaging of vestibular processing across the larval zebrafish brain
IA Favre-Bulle, G Vanwalleghem, MA Taylor, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, ...
Current Biology 28 (23), 3711-3722. e3, 2018
Brain-wide 3D light-field imaging of neuronal activity with speckle-enhanced resolution
MA Taylor, T Nöbauer, A Pernia-Andrade, F Schlumm, A Vaziri
Optica 5 (4), 345-353, 2018
Brain-wide mapping of water flow perception in zebrafish
G Vanwalleghem, K Schuster, MA Taylor, IA Favre-Bulle, EK Scott
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (21), 4130-4144, 2020
Diffuse light‐sheet microscopy for stripe‐free calcium imaging of neural populations
MA Taylor, GC Vanwalleghem, IA Favre‐Bulle, EK Scott
Journal of Biophotonics 11 (12), e201800088, 2018
Altered brain-wide auditory networks in a zebrafish model of fragile X syndrome
L Constantin, RE Poulsen, LA Scholz, IA Favre-Bulle, MA Taylor, B Sun, ...
BMC biology 18, 1-17, 2020
Fundamental constraints on particle tracking with optical tweezers
MA Taylor, J Knittel, WP Bowen
New Journal of Physics 15, 023018, 2013
Ultrafast viscosity measurement with ballistic optical tweezers
LS Madsen, M Waleed, CA Casacio, A Terrasson, AB Stilgoe, MA Taylor, ...
Nature Photonics 15 (5), 386-392, 2021
Brain-wide visual habituation networks in wild type and fmr1 zebrafish
E Marquez-Legorreta, L Constantin, M Piber, IA Favre-Bulle, MA Taylor, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-19, 2022
Quantum Microscopy of Biological Systems
M Taylor
Springer, 2015
Critical coupling control of a microresonator by laser amplitude modulation
JH Chow, MA Taylor, TTY Lam, J Knittel, JD Sawtell-Rickson, ...
Optics Express 20 (11), 12622-12630, 2012
Sagnac-interferometer-based characterization of spatial light modulators
JW Tay, MA Taylor, WP Bowen
Applied optics 48 (12), 2236-2242, 2009
Sound generation in zebrafish with Bio-Opto-Acoustics
IA Favre-Bulle, MA Taylor, E Marquez-Legorreta, G Vanwalleghem, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 6120, 2020
Cavity optoelectromechanical regenerative amplification
MA Taylor, A Szorkovszky, J Knittel, KH Lee, TG McRae, WP Bowen
Optics Express 20 (12), 12742-12751, 2012
Optimizing phase to enhance optical trap stiffness
MA Taylor
Scientific Reports 7, 2017
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