D.T. Hoelzer
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Oxide dispersion-strengthened steels: A comparison of some commercial and experimental alloys
RL Klueh, JP Shingledecker, RW Swindeman, DT Hoelzer
Journal of Nuclear Materials 341 (2-3), 103-114, 2005
On the role of alloy composition and processing parameters in nanocluster formation and dispersion strengthening in nanostuctured ferritic alloys
MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Acta Materialia 57 (2), 392-406, 2009
Characterization of precipitates in MA/ODS ferritic alloys
MK Miller, KF Russell, DT Hoelzer
Journal of nuclear Materials 351 (1-3), 261-268, 2006
Stability of ferritic MA/ODS alloys at high temperatures
MK Miller, DT Hoelzer, EA Kenik, KF Russell
Intermetallics 13 (3-4), 387-392, 2005
Atom probe tomography of nanoscale particles in ODS ferritic alloys
MK Miller, EA Kenik, KF Russell, L Heatherly, DT Hoelzer, PJ Maziasz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 353 (1-2), 140-145, 2003
Influence of particle dispersions on the high-temperature strength of ferritic alloys
DT Hoelzer, J Bentley, MA Sokolov, MK Miller, GR Odette, MJ Alinger
Journal of Nuclear Materials 367, 166-172, 2007
Tensile and creep properties of an oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel
RL Klueh, PJ Maziasz, IS Kim, L Heatherly, DT Hoelzer, N Hashimoto, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, 773-777, 2002
Irradiation-tolerant nanostructured ferritic alloys: Transforming helium from a liability to an asset
GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Jom 62, 84-92, 2010
Development of next generation tempered and ODS reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion energy applications
SJ Zinkle, JL Boutard, DT Hoelzer, A Kimura, R Lindau, GR Odette, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092005, 2017
The development and stability of Y–Ti–O nanoclusters in mechanically alloyed Fe–Cr based ferritic alloys
MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 382-386, 2004
Mechanical properties of irradiated ODS-EUROFER and nanocluster strengthened 14YWT
DA McClintock, MA Sokolov, DT Hoelzer, RK Nanstad
Journal of Nuclear Materials 392 (2), 353-359, 2009
Nanometer scale precipitation in ferritic MA/ODS alloy MA957
MK Miller, DT Hoelzer, EA Kenik, KF Russell
Journal of nuclear materials 329, 338-341, 2004
On the conflicting roles of ionizing radiation in ceramics
SJ Zinkle, VA Skuratov, DT Hoelzer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research section B: Beam …, 2002
Perspectives on radiation effects in nickel-base alloys for applications in advanced reactors
AF Rowcliffe, LK Mansur, DT Hoelzer, RK Nanstad
Journal of Nuclear Materials 392 (2), 341-352, 2009
High heat flux components—Readiness to proceed from near term fusion systems to power plants
AR Raffray, R Nygren, DG Whyte, S Abdel-Khalik, R Doerner, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 85 (1), 93-108, 2010
Radiation stability of nanoclusters in nano-structured oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels
A Certain, S Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, DT Hoelzer, TR Allen
Journal of Nuclear Materials 434 (1-3), 311-321, 2013
Temperature dependence of strengthening mechanisms in the nanostructured ferritic alloy 14YWT: Part II—Mechanistic models and predictions
JH Kim, TS Byun, DT Hoelzer, CH Park, JT Yeom, JK Hong
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 111-118, 2013
Development of low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys for accident-tolerant fuel cladding
S Dryepondt, KA Unocic, DT Hoelzer, CP Massey, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 501, 59-71, 2018
Stability of nanometer-sized oxide clusters in mechanically-alloyed steel under ion-induced displacement cascade damage conditions
P Pareige, MK Miller, RE Stoller, DT Hoelzer, E Cadel, B Radiguet
Journal of Nuclear Materials 360 (2), 136-142, 2007
Recent progress on development of vanadium alloys for fusion
RJ Kurtz, K Abe, VM Chernov, DT Hoelzer, H Matsui, T Muroga, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 329, 47-55, 2004
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Articles 1–20