TS Byun, Thak Sang Byun
TS Byun, Thak Sang Byun
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
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Handbook of SiC properties for fuel performance modeling
LL Snead, T Nozawa, Y Katoh, TS Byun, S Kondo, DA Petti
Journal of nuclear materials 371 (1-3), 329-377, 2007
On the stress dependence of partial dislocation separation and deformation microstructure in austenitic stainless steels
TS Byun
Acta Materialia 51 (11), 3063-3071, 2003
Temperature dependence of strain hardening and plastic instability behaviors in austenitic stainless steels
TS Byun, N Hashimoto, K Farrell
Acta Materialia 52 (13), 3889-3899, 2004
Plastic instability in polycrystalline metals after low temperature irradiation
TS Byun, K Farrell
Acta materialia 52 (6), 1597-1608, 2004
Deformation mode maps for tensile deformation of neutron-irradiated structural alloys
K Farrell, TS Byun, N Hashimoto
Journal of nuclear materials 335 (3), 471-486, 2004
Tensile properties and inhomogeneous deformation of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels
TS Byun, IS Kim
Journal of materials science 28, 2923-2932, 1993
Helium and hydrogen induced hardening in 316LN stainless steel
JD Hunn, EH Lee, TS Byun, LK Mansur
Journal of nuclear materials 282 (2-3), 131-136, 2000
Local mechanical properties of Alloy 82/182 dissimilar weld joint between SA508 Gr. 1a and F316 SS at RT and 320 C
JW Kim, K Lee, JS Kim, TS Byun
Journal of Nuclear Materials 384 (3), 212-221, 2009
Plastic deformation in 316LN stainless steel–characterization of deformation microstructures
TS Byun, EH Lee, JD Hunn
Journal of nuclear materials 321 (1), 29-39, 2003
On the origin of deformation microstructures in austenitic stainless steel: part I—microstructures
EH Lee, TS Byun, JD Hunn, MH Yoo, K Farrell, LK Mansur
Acta materialia 49 (16), 3269-3276, 2001
Temperature dependence of strengthening mechanisms in the nanostructured ferritic alloy 14YWT: Part II—Mechanistic models and predictions
JH Kim, TS Byun, DT Hoelzer, CH Park, JT Yeom, JK Hong
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 111-118, 2013
Dose dependence of defect accumulation in neutron irradiated copper and iron
M Eldrup, BN Singh, SJ Zinkle, TS Byun, K Farrell
Journal of nuclear materials 307, 912-917, 2002
Irradiation hardening behavior of polycrystalline metals after low temperature irradiation
TS Byun, K Farrell
Journal of nuclear materials 326 (2-3), 86-96, 2004
On the origin of deformation microstructures in austenitic stainless steel: Part II—Mechanisms
EH Lee, MH Yoo, TS Byun, JD Hunn, K Farrell, LK Mansur
Acta materialia 49 (16), 3277-3287, 2001
Stability of MX-type strengthening nanoprecipitates in ferritic steels under thermal aging, stress and ion irradiation
L Tan, TS Byun, Y Katoh, LL Snead
Acta materialia 71, 11-19, 2014
A theoretical model for determination of fracture toughness of reactor pressure vessel steels in the transition region from automated ball indentation test
TS Byun, JW Kim, JH Hong
Journal of Nuclear Materials 252 (3), 187-194, 1998
Temperature effect on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of type 316L stainless steel: Cyclic non-stabilization and an invariable fatigue parameter
SG Hong, SB Lee, TS Byun
Materials Science and Engineering: A 457 (1-2), 139-147, 2007
Deformation mode map of irradiated 316 stainless steel in true stress–dose space
TS Byun, N Hashimoto, K Farrell
Journal of nuclear materials 351 (1-3), 303-315, 2006
Measurement of through-the-thickness variations of mechanical properties in SA508 Gr. 3 pressure vessel steels using ball indentation test technique
TS Byun, JH Hong, FM Haggag, K Farrell, EH Lee
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 74 (3), 231-238, 1997
Mechanical performance of ferritic martensitic steels for high dose applications in advanced nuclear reactors
O Anderoglu, TS Byun, M Toloczko, SA Maloy
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 44, 70-83, 2013
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