M Corrie Schoeman
M Corrie Schoeman
Evolutionary ecologist; University of KwaZulu-Natal
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Close relative of human Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in bat, South Africa
NL Ithete, S Stoffberg, VM Corman, VM Cottentail, LR Richards, ...
Emerg Infect Dis 19 (10), 1697-1699, 2013
Rooting the phylogenetic tree of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus by characterization of a conspecific virus from an African bat
VM Corman, NL Ithete, LR Richards, MC Schoeman, W Preiser, ...
Journal of virology 88 (19), 11297-11303, 2014
Bats of southern and central Africa: A biogeographic and taxonomic synthesis
A Monadjem, PJ Taylor, FPD Cotterill, MC Schoeman
Wits University Press, 2010
Phylogeny of African Myotis bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) inferred from cytochrome b sequences
B Stadelmann, DS Jacobs, MC Schoeman, M Ruedi
Acta Chiropterologica 6 (2), 177-192, 2004
Bats and buildings: the conservation of synanthropic bats
CC Voigt, KL Phelps, LF Aguirre, M Corrie Schoeman, J Vanitharani, ...
Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world, 427-462, 2016
Four new bat species (Rhinolophus hildebrandtii complex) reflect Plio-Pleistocene divergence of dwarfs and giants across an Afromontane archipelago
PJ Taylor, S Stoffberg, A Monadjem, MC Schoeman, J Bayliss, ...
PLoS ONE 7 (9), e41744, 2012
Light pollution at stadiums favors urban exploiter bats
MC Schoeman
Animal Conservation 19, 120-130, 2016
Climate change effects on animal and plant phylogenetic diversity in southern Africa
DV Pio, R Engler, HP Linder, A Monadjem, FPD Cotterill, PJ Taylor, ...
Global Change Biology 20, 1538–1549, 2014
Genetic and phenotypic differences between South African long-fingered bats, with a global miniopterine phylogeny
CM Miller-Butterworth, G Eick, DS Jacobs, MC Schoeman, EH Harley
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (6), 1121-1135, 2005
Support for the allotonic frequency hypothesis in an insectivorous bat community
MC Schoeman, DS Jacobs
Oecologia 134 (1), 154-162, 2003
The relative influence of competition and prey defenses on the phenotypic structure of insectivorous bat ensembles in southern Africa
MC Schoeman, DS Jacobs
PloS ONE 3 (11), e3715, 2008
Cryptic Species in an Insectivorous Bat, Scotophilus dinganii
DS Jacobs, GN Eick, MC Schoeman, CA Matthee
Journal of Mammalogy 87 (1), 161-170, 2006
How to build science-action partnerships for local land-use planning and management: lessons from Durban, South Africa
J Cockburn, M Rouget, R Slotow, D Roberts, R Boon, E Douwes, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (1), 2016
Bat coronavirus phylogeography in the Western Indian Ocean
L Joffrin, SM Goodman, DA Wilkinson, B Ramasindrazana, E Lagadec, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 6873, 2020
Predicting bat distributions and diversity hotspots in southern Africa
R Cooper-Bohannon, H Rebelo, G Jones, F Cotterill, A Monadjem, ...
Hystrix 2016 (1), 2016
The relative influence of competition and prey defences on the trophic structure of animalivorous bat ensembles
MC Schoeman, DS Jacobs
Oecologia 166, 493-506, 2011
Community structure of bats in the savannas of southern Africa: influence of scale and human land use
MC Schoeman, A Monadjem
Hystrix The Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29, 3-10, 2018
A recent inventory of the bats of Mozambique with documentation of seven new species for the country
A Monadjem, MC Schoeman, A Reside, DV Pio, S Stoffberg, J Bayliss, ...
Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2), 371-391, 2010
Morphological, bioacoustical, and genetic variation in Miniopterus bats from eastern Madagascar, with the description of a new species
SM Goodman, B Ramasindrazana, CP Maminirina, MC Schoeman, ...
Zootaxa 288, 1-19, 2011
Identification of cryptic species of Miniopterus bats (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from Madagascar and the Comoros using bioacoustics overlaid on molecular genetic and …
B Ramasindrazana, SM Goodman, MC Schoeman, B Appleton
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104, 284–302, 2011
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