Jose Proenca
Jose Proenca
CISTER, Faculty of Sciences, University or Porto, Portugal
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Formal verification of ROS-based robotic applications using timed-automata
R Halder, J Proença, N Macedo, A Santos
2017 IEEE/ACM 5th International FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software …, 2017
Variability modelling in the ABS language
D Clarke, R Muschevici, J Proença, I Schaefer, R Schlatte
International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 204-224, 2010
The ABS tool suite: modelling, executing and analysing distributed adaptable object-oriented systems
PYH Wong, E Albert, R Muschevici, J Proença, J Schäfer, R Schlatte
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 14, 567-588, 2012
Feature Petri Nets.
R Muschevici, D Clarke, J Proenca
SPLC Workshops 2, 99-106, 2010
Dreams: a framework for distributed synchronous coordination
J Proença, D Clarke, E De Vink, F Arbab
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1510-1515, 2012
Synchronous coordination of distributed components
J Proença
Leiden University, 2011
Modeling, testing and executing Reo connectors with the Eclipse Coordination Tools
F Arbab, C Koehler, Z Maraikar, YJ Moon, J Proença
Tool demo session at FACS 8, 2008
Feature nets: behavioural modelling of software product lines
R Muschevici, J Proença, D Clarke
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 1181-1206, 2016
Channel-based coordination via constraint satisfaction
D Clarke, J Proença, A Lazovik, F Arbab
Science of Computer Programming 76 (8), 681-710, 2011
Modular modelling of software product lines with feature nets
R Muschevici, J Proença, D Clarke
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 318-333, 2011
API generation for multiparty session types, revisited and revised using scala 3
G Cledou, L Edixhoven, SS Jongmans, J Proença
Towards a Theory of Views for Feature Models.
D Clarke, J Proença
SPLC Workshops, 91-98, 2010
A framework for point-free program transformation
A Cunha, JS Pinto, J Proença
Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 1-18, 2005
Deconstructing Reo
D Clarke, J Proença, A Lazovik, F Arbab
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 229 (2), 43-58, 2009
Reolive: Analysing connectors in your browser
R Cruz, J Proença
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations: STAF 2018 Collocated …, 2018
Reconfiguration of Reo connectors triggered by dataflow
C Koehler, D Costa, J Proença, F Arbab
Electronic Communications of the EASST 10, 2008
Decoupled execution of synchronous coordination models via behavioural automata
J Proença, D Clarke, E De Vink, F Arbab
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.0232, 2011
Teaching how to program using automated assessment and functional glossy games (experience report)
JB Almeida, A Cunha, N Macedo, H Pacheco, J Proença
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 2 (ICFP), 1-17, 2018
Partial connector colouring
D Clarke, J Proença
Coordination Models and Languages: 14th International Conference …, 2012
Implementing hybrid semantics: From functional to imperative
S Goncharov, R Neves, J Proença
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2020: 17th International Colloquium …, 2020
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