Stephen Jordan
Stephen Jordan
Google Quantum AI
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Report on post-quantum cryptography
L Chen, L Chen, S Jordan, YK Liu, D Moody, R Peralta, RA Perlner, ...
US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2016
Quantum algorithms for quantum field theories
SP Jordan, KSM Lee, J Preskill
Science 336 (6085), 1130-1133, 2012
Polynomial-time quantum algorithm for the simulation of chemical dynamics
I Kassal, SP Jordan, PJ Love, M Mohseni, A Aspuru-Guzik
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (48), 18681-18686, 2008
Quantum algorithm zoo
S Jordan
Retrieved June 27, 2013, 2011
Quantum approximate optimization of the long-range Ising model with a trapped-ion quantum simulator
G Pagano, A Bapat, P Becker, KS Collins, A De, PW Hess, HB Kaplan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (41), 25396-25401, 2020
Quantum computation of scattering in scalar quantum field theories
SP Jordan, KSM Lee, J Preskill
arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.4833, 2011
Experimentally generated randomness certified by the impossibility of superluminal signals
P Bierhorst, E Knill, S Glancy, Y Zhang, A Mink, S Jordan, A Rommal, ...
Nature 556 (7700), 223-226, 2018
Error-correcting codes for adiabatic quantum computation
SP Jordan, E Farhi, PW Shor
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (5), 052322, 2006
Quantum algorithm for simulating the wave equation
PCS Costa, S Jordan, A Ostrander
Physical Review A 99 (1), 012323, 2019
Fast quantum algorithm for numerical gradient estimation
SP Jordan
Physical review letters 95 (5), 050501, 2005
Estimating Jones polynomials is a complete problem for one clean qubit
PW Shor, SP Jordan
arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.2831, 2007
Perturbative gadgets at arbitrary orders
SP Jordan, E Farhi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 062329, 2008
BQP-completeness of scattering in scalar quantum field theory
SP Jordan, H Krovi, KSM Lee, J Preskill
Quantum 2, 44, 2018
Quantum algorithms for fermionic quantum field theories
SP Jordan, KSM Lee, J Preskill
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.7115, 2014
Theory of Carbon Nanocones: Mechanical Chiral Inversion<? format?> of a Micron-Scale Three-Dimensional Object
SP Jordan, VH Crespi
Physical review letters 93 (25), 255504, 2004
Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold
R Acharya, L Aghababaie-Beni, I Aleiner, TI Andersen, M Ansmann, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.13687, 2024
Permutational Quantum Computing
SP Jordan
Quantum Information and Computation 10 (5), 470-497, 2010
Discrete-query quantum algorithm for NAND trees
AM Childs, R Cleve, SP Jordan, D Yeung
Theory of Computing 5, 119-123, 2007
Automated design of pulse sequences for magnetic resonance fingerprinting using physics-inspired optimization
SP Jordan, S Hu, I Rozada, DF McGivney, R Boyacioğlu, DC Jacob, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (40), e2020516118, 2021
Faster quantum algorithm to simulate fermionic quantum field theory
A Hamed Moosavian, S Jordan
Physical Review A 98 (1), 012332, 2018
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