John M Stark
John M Stark
Professor of Biology, Utah State University
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Water pulses and biogeochemical cycles in arid and semiarid ecosystems
AT Austin, L Yahdjian, JM Stark, J Belnap, A Porporato, U Norton, ...
Oecologia 141, 221-235, 2004
Nitrogen mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification
SC Hart, JM Stark, EA Davidson, MK Firestone
Methods of soil analysis: Part 2 microbiological and biochemical properties …, 1994
Controls on nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: a synthetic analysis of literature data
MS Booth, JM Stark, E Rastetter
Ecological monographs 75 (2), 139-157, 2005
Mechanisms for soil moisture effects on activity of nitrifying bacteria
JM Stark, MK Firestone
Applied and environmental microbiology 61 (1), 218-221, 1995
High rates of nitrification and nitrate turnover in undisturbed coniferous forests
JM Stark, SC Hart
Nature 385 (6611), 61-64, 1997
Diffusion method to prepare soil extracts for automated nitrogen‐15 analysis
PD Brooks, JM Stark, BB McInteer, T Preston
Soil Science Society of America Journal 53 (6), 1707-1711, 1989
Diffusion technique for preparing salt solutions, Kjeldahl digests, and persulfate digests for nitrogen‐15 analysis
JM Stark, SC Hart
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (6), 1846-1855, 1996
Microbial production and consumpution of nitrate in an annual grassland
EA Dividson, JM Stark, MK Firestone
Ecology 71 (5), 1968-1975, 1990
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are more responsive than archaea to nitrogen source in an agricultural soil
Y Ouyang, JM Norton, JM Stark, JR Reeve, MY Habteselassie
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 96, 4-15, 2016
Overlapping resource use in three Great Basin species: implications for community invasibility and vegetation dynamics
MS Booth, MM Caldwell, JM Stark
Journal of Ecology 91 (1), 36-48, 2003
Plant species effects and carbon and nitrogen cycling in a sagebrush–crested wheatgrass soil
J Chen, JM Stark
Soil biology and biochemistry 32 (1), 47-57, 2000
Microbial dynamics and carbon and nitrogen cycling following re-wetting of soils beneath two semi-arid plant species
P Saetre, JM Stark
Oecologia 142, 247-260, 2005
Regulation and measurement of nitrification in terrestrial systems
JM Norton, JM Stark
Methods in enzymology 486, 343-368, 2011
Causes of soil nutrient heterogeneity at different scales
JM Stark
J. Wiley & Sons, NY, 1994
Kinetic characteristics of ammonium-oxidizer communities in a California oak woodland-annual grassland
JM Stark, MK Firestone
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (10-11), 1307-1317, 1996
Ammonium availability and temperature control contributions of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrification in an agricultural soil
Y Ouyang, JM Norton, JM Stark
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113, 161-172, 2017
Soil history as a primary control on plant invasion in abandoned agricultural fields
A Kulmatiski, KH Beard, JM Stark
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (5), 868-876, 2006
Ecosystem Impacts of Exotic Annual Invaders in the Genus Bromus
MJ Germino, J Belnap, JM Stark, EB Allen, BM Rau
Exotic brome-grasses in arid and semiarid ecosystems of the western US …, 2016
Modeling the temperature response of nitrification
JM Stark
Biogeochemistry 35, 433-445, 1996
Microbial growth efficiencies across a soil moisture gradient assessed using 13C-acetic acid vapor and 15N-ammonia gas
PM Herron, JM Stark, C Holt, T Hooker, ZG Cardon
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (6), 1262-1269, 2009
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