Jasmine Meng
Jasmine Meng
DownUnder GeoSolutions, Baker Hughes, CGG, University of Houston
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Zitiert von
Collaborative spectrum sensing from sparse observations in cognitive radio networks
JJ Meng, W Yin, H Li, E Hossain, Z Han
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 29 (2), 327-337, 2011
Sparse event detection in wireless sensor networks using compressive sensing
J Meng, H Li, Z Han
2009 43rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 181-185, 2009
Compressive Sensing Based High Resolution Channel Estimation for OFDM System
J Meng, Y Li, N Nguyen, W Yin, Z Han
Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of, 1-1, 2012
Collaborative spectrum sensing from sparse observations using matrix completion for cognitive radio networks
J Meng, W Yin, H Li, E Houssain, Z Han
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Dynamic compressive spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
W Yin, Z Wen, S Li, J Meng, Z Han
2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Sampling rate reduction for 60 GHz UWB communication using compressive sensing
J Meng, J Ahmadi-Shokouh, H Li, EJ Charlson, Z Han, S Noghanian, ...
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third …, 2009
High resolution OFDM channel estimation with low speed ADC using compressive sensing
J Meng, Y Li, N Nguyen, W Yin, Z Han
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2011
Compressive sensing in wireless communications
J Meng
University of Houston, 2010
An Amplitude Scaling Methodology for 2D/3D Migrated VSP Data
M Lou, J Meng, D Cheng, F Doherty
EAGE Borehole Geophysics Workshop II: 3D VSP: Benefits, Challenges and Potential, 2013
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