Toshiya Ideue
Toshiya Ideue
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Observation of the magnon Hall effect
Y Onose, T Ideue, H Katsura, Y Shiomi, N Nagaosa, Y Tokura
Science 329 (5989), 297-299, 2010
Thermal generation of spin current in an antiferromagnet
S Seki, T Ideue, M Kubota, Y Kozuka, R Takagi, M Nakamura, Y Kaneko, ...
Physical review letters 115 (26), 266601, 2015
Enhanced intrinsic photovoltaic effect in tungsten disulfide nanotubes
YJ Zhang, T Ideue, M Onga, F Qin, R Suzuki, A Zak, R Tenne, JH Smet, ...
Nature 570 (7761), 349-353, 2019
Nonreciprocal charge transport in noncentrosymmetric superconductors
R Wakatsuki, Y Saito, S Hoshino, YM Itahashi, T Ideue, M Ezawa, Y Iwasa, ...
Science advances 3 (4), e1602390, 2017
Bulk rectification effect in a polar semiconductor
T Ideue, K Hamamoto, S Koshikawa, M Ezawa, S Shimizu, Y Kaneko, ...
Nature Physics 13 (6), 578-583, 2017
Superconductivity in a chiral nanotube
F Qin, W Shi, T Ideue, M Yoshida, A Zak, R Tenne, T Kikitsu, D Inoue, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14465, 2017
Effect of lattice geometry on magnon Hall effect in ferromagnetic insulators
T Ideue, Y Onose, H Katsura, Y Shiomi, S Ishiwata, N Nagaosa, Y Tokura
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (13), 134411, 2012
Exciton Hall effect in monolayer MoS2
M Onga, Y Zhang, T Ideue, Y Iwasa
Nature materials 16 (12), 1193-1197, 2017
A van der Waals interface that creates in-plane polarization and a spontaneous photovoltaic effect
T Akamatsu, T Ideue, L Zhou, Y Dong, S Kitamura, M Yoshii, D Yang, ...
Science 372 (6537), 68-72, 2021
Giant thermal Hall effect in multiferroics
T Ideue, T Kurumaji, S Ishiwata, Y Tokura
Nature materials 16 (8), 797-802, 2017
Radial spin texture in elemental tellurium with chiral crystal structure
M Sakano, M Hirayama, T Takahashi, S Akebi, M Nakayama, K Kuroda, ...
Physical review letters 124 (13), 136404, 2020
Nonreciprocal transport in gate-induced polar superconductor SrTiO3
YM Itahashi, T Ideue, Y Saito, S Shimizu, T Ouchi, T Nojima, Y Iwasa
Science advances 6 (13), eaay9120, 2020
Spontaneous-polarization-induced photovoltaic effect in rhombohedrally stacked MoS2
D Yang, J Wu, BT Zhou, J Liang, T Ideue, T Siu, KM Awan, K Watanabe, ...
Nature Photonics 16 (6), 469-474, 2022
Giant bulk piezophotovoltaic effect in 3R-MoS2
Y Dong, MM Yang, M Yoshii, S Matsuoka, S Kitamura, T Hasegawa, ...
Nature nanotechnology 18 (1), 36-41, 2023
Pressure-induced topological phase transition in noncentrosymmetric elemental tellurium
T Ideue, M Hirayama, H Taiko, T Takahashi, M Murase, T Miyake, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (51), 25530-25534, 2019
Symmetry breaking and nonlinear electric transport in van der Waals nanostructures
T Ideue, Y Iwasa
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 12 (1), 201-223, 2021
Continuous manipulation of magnetic anisotropy in a van der Waals ferromagnet via electrical gating
M Tang, J Huang, F Qin, K Zhai, T Ideue, Z Li, F Meng, A Nie, L Wu, X Bi, ...
Nature Electronics 6 (1), 28-36, 2023
Antiferromagnet–semiconductor van der Waals heterostructures: interlayer interplay of exciton with magnetic ordering
M Onga, Y Sugita, T Ideue, Y Nakagawa, R Suzuki, Y Motome, Y Iwasa
Nano Letters 20 (6), 4625-4630, 2020
Magnetic anisotropy control with curie temperature above 400 K in a van der Waals ferromagnet for spintronic device
Z Li, M Tang, J Huang, F Qin, L Ao, Z Shen, C Zhang, P Chen, X Bi, C Qiu, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (27), 2201209, 2022
Diameter-Dependent Superconductivity in Individual WS2 Nanotubes
F Qin, T Ideue, W Shi, XX Zhang, M Yoshida, A Zak, R Tenne, T Kikitsu, ...
Nano Letters 18 (11), 6789-6794, 2018
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Articles 1–20