Stefan Lang
Stefan Lang
Assoc. Prof., Department of Geoinformatics, Vice-Dean Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences
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Cited by
Geographic object-based image analysis–towards a new paradigm
T Blaschke, GJ Hay, M Kelly, S Lang, P Hofmann, E Addink, RQ Feitosa, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 87, 180-191, 2014
Object-oriented image processing in an integrated GIS/remote sensing environment and perspectives for environmental applications
T Blaschke, S Lang, E Lorup, J Strobl, P Zeil
Environmental information for planning, politics and the public 2 (1995 …, 2000
Object-based image analysis: spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications
T Blaschke, S Lang, G Hay
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Análise da Paisagem com SIG [Brazil version]
S Lang, T Blaschke
Oficina de Textos, 2009
Object-based image analysis for remote sensing applications: modeling reality–dealing with complexity
S Lang
Object-based image analysis: Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote …, 2008
Remote sensing for mapping natural habitats and their conservation status–New opportunities and challenges
C Corbane, S Lang, K Pipkins, S Alleaume, M Deshayes, VEG Millán, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 37, 7-16, 2015
Spatial vulnerability units–expert-based spatial modelling of socio-economic vulnerability in the Salzach catchment, Austria
S Kienberger, S Lang, P Zeil
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (3), 767-778, 2009
Big Earth data: disruptive changes in Earth observation data management and analysis?
M Sudmanns, D Tiede, S Lang, H Bergstedt, G Trost, H Augustin, ...
International Journal of Digital Earth 13 (7), 832-850, 2020
Landschaftsanalyse mit GIS
S Lang, T Blaschke
Ulmer, 2007
A semi-automated object-based approach for landslide detection validated by persistent scatterer interferometry measures and landslide inventories
D Hölbling, P Füreder, F Antolini, F Cigna, N Casagli, S Lang
Remote Sensing 4 (5), 1310-1336, 2012
Remotely sensed data characterization, classification, and accuracies
PS Thenkabail
CRC press, 2015
Structured additive regression models: An R interface to BayesX
N Umlauf, D Adler, T Kneib, S Lang, A Zeileis
vLATE Extension für ArcGIS–vektorbasiertes Tool zur quantitativen Landschaftsstrukturanalyse
S Lang, D Tiede
ESRI Anwenderkonferenz, 1-10, 2003
Spatial indicators for nature conservation from European to local scale
M Bock, G Rossner, M Wissen, K Remm, T Langanke, S Lang, H Klug, ...
Ecological indicators 5 (4), 322-338, 2005
Integrated assessment of the environmental impact of an IDP camp in Sudan based on very high resolution multi-temporal satellite imagery
M Hagenlocher, S Lang, D Tiede
Remote Sensing of Environment 126, 27-38, 2012
Dosing of electrical parameters in deep brain stimulation (DBS) for intractable depression: a review of clinical studies
R Ramasubbu, S Lang, ZHT Kiss
Frontiers in psychiatry 9, 302, 2018
Assessing global Sentinel-2 coverage dynamics and data availability for operational Earth observation (EO) applications using the EO-Compass
M Sudmanns, D Tiede, H Augustin, S Lang
International journal of digital earth 13 (7), 768-784, 2020
Earth observation (EO)-based ex post assessment of internally displaced person (IDP) camp evolution and population dynamics in Zam Zam, Darfur
S Lang, D Tiede, D Hölbling, P Füreder, P Zeil
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (21), 5709-5731, 2010
Object-based class modeling for cadastre-constrained delineation of geo-objects
D Tiede, S Lang, F Albrecht, D Hölbling
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76 (2), 193-202, 2010
Object based image analysis for automated information extraction–a synthesis
T Blaschke, S Lang
Measuring the Earth II ASPRS Fall Conference, 6-10, 2006
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Articles 1–20