Thijs Alofs
Thijs Alofs
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A Tabletop Board Game Interface for Multi-User Interaction with a Storytelling System
T Alofs, M Theune, I Swartjes
INTETAIN - International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for …, 2011
Acting, playing, or talking about the story: an annotation scheme for communication during interactive digital storytelling
M Theune, J Linssen, T Alofs
Interactive Storytelling: 6th International Conference, ICIDS 2013, Istanbul …, 2013
A tabletop interactive storytelling system: Designing for social interaction
T Alofs, M Theune, I Swartjes
International journal of arts and technology 8 (3), 188-211, 2015
Trackside DEIRA: a dynamic engaging intelligent reporter agent
FLA Knoppel, AS Tigelaar, DO Bos, T Alofs, Z Ruttkay
AAMAS - Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2008
Having one's cake and eating it too: coherence of children's emergent narratives
M Theune, T Alofs, J Linssen, I Swartjes
2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, 2013
The Interactive Storyteller: A multi-user tabletop board game interface to support social interaction in AI-based interactive storytelling
T Alofs
University of Twente, 2012
DEIRA: A Dynamic Engaging Intelligent Reporter Agent (Demo Paper)
FLA Knoppel, AS Tigelaar, DO Bos, T Alofs
20th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, BNAIC 2008, 393-394, 2008
Automatic classification of sentences in the recipe domain using a maxent classifier
JLT Alofs, J Latour
unpublished, 2006
Frontmatter, Table of Contents, Preface, Workshop Organization
MA Finlayson, JC Meister, EG Bruneau
2014 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, i-xiv, 2014
2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative
R Gerrig, I Mani, JC Bahamón, RM Young, M Bhatt, J Suchan, C Schultz, ...
Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, 2013
The Interactive Storyteller
T Alofs
Trackside DEIRA: A Virtual Horse Race Reporter
A Tigelaar, F Knoppel, DO Bos, T Alofs, Z Ruttkay, A Nijholt
INTETAIN - International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for …, 2008
Using a Familiar Facilitator in a Talk Aloud Usability Test with Young Children
T Alofs
5th Twente Student Conference on IT, 2006
An Annotation Scheme for Communication during Interactive Digital Storytelling
M Theune, J Linssen, T Alofs
Embodied virtual coaches as an example of captology
T Alofs
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