Peter Kraker
Peter Kraker
Founder & Chairman, Open Knowledge Maps
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Research data explored: an extended analysis of citations and altmetrics
I Peters, P Kraker, E Lex, C Gumpenberger, J Gorraiz
Scientometrics 107 (2), 723-744, 2016
Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research
T Ross-Hellauer, JP Tennant, V Banelytė, E Gorogh, D Luzi, P Kraker, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 16 (4), e1007704, 2020
The case for an open science in technology enhanced learning
P Kraker, D Leony, W Reinhardt, G Beham
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3 (6), 643-654, 2011
Comparison of downloads, citations and readership data for two information systems journals
C Schlögl, J Gorraiz, C Gumpenberger, K Jack, P Kraker
Scientometrics 101 (2), 1113-1128, 2014
A Critical Look at the ResearchGate Score as a Measure of Scientific Reputation
P Kraker, E Lex
Quantifying and Analysing Scholarly Communication on the Web (ASCW'15), 2015
Zenodo in the spotlight of traditional and new metrics
IP Peters, P Kraker, E Lex, C Gumpenberger, JI Gorraiz
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 2, 13, 2017
Open Knowledge Maps: Creating a Visual Interface to the World’s Scientific Knowledge Based on Natural Language Processing
P Kraker, C Kittel, A Enkhbayar
027.7 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur/Journal for Library Culture 4 (2 …, 2016
Visualization of co-readership patterns from an online reference management system
P Kraker, C Schlögl, K Jack, S Lindstaedt
Journal of Informetrics 9 (1), 169-182, 2015
Download vs. citation vs. readership data: the case of an information systems journal
C Schlögl, J Gorraiz, C Gumpenberger, K Jack, P Kraker
14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 2013
Research Data Explored II: the Anatomy and Reception of figshare
P Kraker, E Lex, J Gorraiz, C Gumpenberger, I Peters
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.01298, 2015
The Vienna Principles: A Vision for Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century
E Aspöck, S Dennerlein, D Dörler, A Enkhbayar, A Ferus, R Gutounig, ...
Zenodo, 2016
The Vienna Principles: A Vision for Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century
P Kraker, D Dörler, A Ferus, R Gutounig, F Heigl, C Kaier, K Rieck, ...
Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und …, 2016
The ResearchGate Score: a good example of a bad metric
P Kraker, K Jordan, E Lex
Impact of Social Sciences Blog, 2015
Harnessing User Library Statistics for Research Evaluation and Knowledge Domain Visualization
P Kraker, C Körner, K Jack, M Granitzer
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Companion on World Wide Web …, 2012
Content Recommendation in APOSDLE using the Associative Network
H Stern, R Kaiser, P Hofmair, P Kraker, SN Lindstaedt, P Scheir
Journal of Universal Computer Science 16 (16), 2214-2231, 2010
Components of a research 2.0 infrastructure
T Ullmann, F Wild, P Scott, E Duval, B Vandeputte, G Parra, W Reinhardt, ...
Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice, 590-595, 2010
Towards an open, zoomable atlas for invasion science and beyond
JM Jeschke, T Heger, P Kraker, M Schramm, C Kittel, D Mietchen
NeoBiota 68, 5-18, 2021
Quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht| Version 1.1
F Heigl, D Dörler, P Bartar, R Brodschneider, M Cieslinski, M Ernst, S Fritz, ...
OSF Preprints, 2018
Discoverability in (a) Crisis
P Kraker, M Schramm, C Kittel
ABI Technik 41 (1), 3-12, 2021
Research Practices on the Web in the Field of Technology Enhanced Learning
P Kraker, S Lindstaedt
Proceedings of the ACM WebSci'11, 1-3, 2011
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