Florian Eggenhofer
Florian Eggenhofer
Bioinformatics Group, Department of Computer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
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Cited by
Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences
B Grüning, R Dale, A Sjödin, BA Chapman, J Rowe, CH Tomkins-Tinch, ...
Nature methods 15 (7), 475-476, 2018
RNApredator: fast accessibility-based prediction of sRNA targets
F Eggenhofer, H Tafer, PF Stadler, IL Hofacker
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_2), W149-W154, 2011
Freiburg RNA tools: a central online resource for RNA-focused research and teaching
M Raden, SM Ali, OS Alkhnbashi, A Busch, F Costa, JA Davis, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W25-W29, 2018
Differential transcriptional responses to Ebola and Marburg virus infection in bat and human cells
M Hölzer, V Krähling, F Amman, E Barth, SH Bernhart, VAO Carmelo, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34589, 2016
Fast accessibility-based prediction of RNA–RNA interactions
H Tafer, F Amman, F Eggenhofer, PF Stadler, IL Hofacker
Bioinformatics 27 (14), 1934-1940, 2011
The RNA workbench: best practices for RNA and high-throughput sequencing bioinformatics in Galaxy
BA Grüning, J Fallmann, D Yusuf, S Will, A Erxleben, F Eggenhofer, ...
Nucleic acids research 45 (W1), W560-W566, 2017
ViennaNGS: A toolbox for building efficient next-generation sequencing analysis pipelines
MT Wolfinger, J Fallmann, F Eggenhofer, F Amman
F1000Research 4, 2015
A global data-driven census of Salmonella small proteins and their potential functions in bacterial virulence
E Venturini, SL Svensson, S Maaß, R Gelhausen, F Eggenhofer, L Li, ...
Microlife 1 (1), uqaa002, 2020
CRISPRloci: comprehensive and accurate annotation of CRISPR–Cas systems
OS Alkhnbashi, A Mitrofanov, R Bonidia, M Raden, VD Tran, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 49 (W1), W125-W130, 2021
RNAlien – Unsupervised RNA family model construction
F Eggenhofer, IL Hofacker, CH zu Siederdissen
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (17), 9, 2016
A global data-driven census of
E Venturini, SL Svensson, S Maaß, R Gelhausen, F Eggenhofer, L Li, ...
Salmonella, 2020
RiboReport-benchmarking tools for ribosome profiling-based identification of open reading frames in bacteria
R Gelhausen, T Müller, SL Svensson, OS Alkhnbashi, CM Sharma, ...
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (2), bbab549, 2022
HRIBO: high-throughput analysis of bacterial ribosome profiling data
R Gelhausen, SL Svensson, K Froschauer, F Heyl, L Hadjeras, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (14), 2061-2063, 2021
CMCompare webserver: comparing RNA families via covariance models
F Eggenhofer, IL Hofacker, C Höner zu Siederdissen
Nucleic acids research 41 (W1), W499-W503, 2013
Revealing the small proteome of Haloferax volcanii by combining ribosome profiling and small-protein optimized mass spectrometry
L Hadjeras, J Bartel, LK Maier, S Maaß, V Vogel, SL Svensson, ...
Microlife 4, uqad001, 2023
The RNA workbench 2.0: next generation RNA data analysis
J Fallmann, P Videm, A Bagnacani, B Batut, MA Doyle, T Klingstrom, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (W1), W511-W515, 2019
uORF-Tools—Workflow for the determination of translation-regulatory upstream open reading frames
A Scholz, F Eggenhofer, R Gelhausen, B Grüning, K Zarnack, B Brüne, ...
PLoS One 14 (9), e0222459, 2019
The long noncoding RNA mimi scaffolds neuronal granules to maintain nervous system maturity
D Grzejda, J Mach, JA Schweizer, B Hummel, AM Rezansoff, ...
Science Advances 8 (39), eabo5578, 2022
CMV: visualization for RNA and protein family models and their comparisons
F Eggenhofer, IL Hofacker, R Backofen, C Höner zu Siederdissen
Bioinformatics 34 (15), 2676-2678, 2018
Complementary Ribo-seq approaches map the translatome and provide a small protein census in the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni
K Froschauer, SL Svensson, R Gelhausen, E Fiore, P Kible, A Klaude, ...
Biorxiv, 2022.11. 09.515450, 2022
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Articles 1–20