Binu Melit Devassy
Binu Melit Devassy
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Dimensionality Reduction and Visualisation of Hyperspectral Ink Data Using t-SNE
B Melit Devassy, S George
Forensic Science International, 2020
Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Paper Data Using t-SNE
B Melit Devassy, S George, P Nussbaum
Journal of Imaging 6 (5), 2020
Estimation of strawberry firmness using hyperspectral imaging: a comparison of regression models
BM Devassy, S George
Journal of Spectral Imaging 10, 2021
Forensic analysis of beverage stains using hyperspectral imaging
B Melit Devassy, S George
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-13, 2021
Ink Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network
B Melit Devassy, S George
Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse 2019, 2019
Comparison Of Ink Classification Capabilities Of Classic Hyperspectral Similarity Features
B Melit Devassy, S George, JY Hardeberg
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Workshops …, 2019
The Impact of Replacing Complex Hand-Crafted Features with Standard Features for Melanoma Classification Using Both Hand-Crafted and Deep Features
B Melit Devassy, S Yildirim-Yayilgan, JY Hardeberg
Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, 150-159, 2018
Contactless Classification of Strawberry Using Hyperspectral Imaging
B Melit Devassy, S George
Classification of forensic hyperspectral paper data using hybrid spectral similarity algorithms
Deepthi, BM Devassy, S George, P Nussbaum, T Thomas
Journal of Chemometrics 36 (1), e3387, 2022
Hyperspectral imaging and machine learning for the prediction of SSC in kiwi fruits
JE Moen, V Nilsen, KB Saidi, E Kohmann, BM Devassy, S George
Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning, 86-98, 2021
Hyperspectral fruit image restoration using non-convex optimization
KS Shanthini, SN George, S George, BM Devassy
Journal of Food Engineering 358, 111662, 2023
Development of a unified framework of low-rank approximation and deep neural networks for predicting the spatial variability of SSC inSpania'watermelons using vis/NIR …
J Francis, S George, BM Devassy, SN George
Postharvest Biology and Technology 219, 113222, 2025
Early bruise detection, classification and prediction in strawberry using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging
KS Shanthini, J Francis, SN George, S George, BM Devassy
Food Control 167, 110794, 2025
Quantitative Assessment of Hayward Kiwi Soluble Solids Content Prediction Using Hyperspectral Imaging
J Francis, BM Devassy, SN George, S George
2023 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution …, 2023
Forensic Document Analysis Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Convolutional Spectral Clustering
BM Devassy, S George
2023 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution …, 2023
Stripe Removal from Hyperspectral Food Images acquired by Handheld Camera using ℓ2,1 Norm Minimization and SSTV Regularization
KS Shanthini, SN George, S George, BM Devassy
2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence …, 2023
Classification of forensic hyperspectral paper data using hybrid spectral similarity algorithms
B Melit Devassy, S George, P Nussbaum, T Tessamma
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2022
A Quantitative Analysis and Mapping of Soluble Solids Content with Interior Regions ofHayward'Kiwifruit from Centre to Pericarp Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemometric …
J Francis, S George, B Melit Devassy, S George
Available at SSRN 4784321, 0
Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Data with an Unknown Number of Clusters Using Dirichlet Process Means
B Melit Devassy, S George
Available at SSRN 4469466, 0
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Articles 1–19