Steven Arthurs
Steven Arthurs
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Microbial biopesticides for invertebrate pests and their markets in the United States
S Arthurs, SK Dara
Journal of invertebrate pathology 165, 13-21, 2019
An analysis of using entomopathogenic nematodes against above-ground pests
S Arthurs, KM Heinz, JR Prasifka
Bulletin of entomological research 94 (4), 297-306, 2004
Evaluation of Neoseiulus cucumeris and Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as biological control agents of chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae …
S Arthurs, CL McKenzie, J Chen, M Dogramaci, M Brennan, K Houben, ...
Biological control 49 (1), 91-96, 2009
Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae): A New Invasive Pest in the United States
SK Dara, L Barringer, SP Arthurs
Journal of Integrated Pest Management 6 (1), 20, 2015
Microbial biopesticides for insect pest management in India: Current status and future prospects
KK Kumar, J Sridhar, RK Murali-Baskaran, S Senthil-Nathan, P Kaushal, ...
Journal of invertebrate pathology 165, 74-81, 2019
Effects of temperature and relative humidity on sporulation of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum in mycosed cadavers of Schistocerca gregaria
S Arthurs, MB Thomas
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 78 (2), 59-65, 2001
Integrated pest management of coffee berry borer: strategies from Latin America that could be useful for coffee farmers in Hawaii
LF Aristizábal, AE Bustillo, SP Arthurs
Insects 7 (1), 6, 2016
Codling moth granulovirus: a comprehensive review
LA Lacey, D Thomson, C Vincent, SP Arthurs
Biocontrol Science and Technology 18 (7), 639-663, 2008
Environmental modification inside photoselective shadehouses
SP Arthurs, RH Stamps, FF Giglia
HortScience 48 (8), 975-979, 2013
Entomopathogenic nematodes for control of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple and pear orchards: effect of nematode species and seasonal temperatures, adjuvants …
LA Lacey, SP Arthurs, TR Unruh, H Headrick, R Fritts Jr
Biological Control 37 (2), 214-223, 2006
Field evaluation of commercial formulations of the codling moth granulovirus: persistence of activity and success of seasonal applications against natural infestations of …
SP Arthurs, LA Lacey
Biological Control 31 (3), 388-397, 2004
Comparison of an organophosphate insecticide with a mycoinsecticide for the control of Oedaleus senegalensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and other Sahelian grasshoppers at an …
J Langewald, Z Ouambama, A Mamadou, R Peveling, I Stol, R Bateman, ...
Biocontrol Science and Technology 9 (2), 199-214, 1999
Effects of a mycoinsecticide on feeding and fecundity of the brown locust Locustana pardalina
S Arthurs, MB Thomas
Biocontrol Science and Technology 10 (3), 321-329, 2000
Management of chilli thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on peppers by Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
M Doğramaci, SP Arthurs, J Chen, C McKenzie, F Irrizary, L Osborne
Biological control 59 (3), 340-347, 2011
Optimizing use of codling moth granulovirus: effects of application rate and spraying frequency on control of codling moth larvae in Pacific Northwest apple orchards
SP Arthurs, LA Lacey, R Fritts Jr
Journal of economic entomology 98 (5), 1459-1468, 2005
Evaluation of spray-dried lignin-based formulations and adjuvants as solar protectants for the granulovirus of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L)
SP Arthurs, LA Lacey, RW Behle
Journal of Invertebrate pathology 93 (2), 88-95, 2006
Integrated pest management of coffee berry borer in Hawaii and Puerto Rico: Current status and prospects
LF Aristizábal, M Johnson, S Shriner, R Hollingsworth, NC Manoukis, ...
Insects 8 (4), 123, 2017
Compatibility of Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) blastospores with agricultural chemicals used for management of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri …
PB Avery, DA Pick, LF Aristizábal, J Kerrigan, CA Powell, ME Rogers, ...
Insects 4 (4), 694-711, 2013
Evaluation of the codling moth granulovirus and spinosad for codling moth control and impact on non-target species in pear orchards
SP Arthurs, LA Lacey, ER Miliczky
Biological control 41 (1), 99-109, 2007
Evaluation of the nematodes Steinernema feltiae and Thripinema nicklewoodi as biological control agents of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis infesting chrysanthemum
S Arthurs, KM Heinz
Biocontrol Science and Technology 16 (2), 141-155, 2006
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