Victor Manuel González Suárez
Victor Manuel González Suárez
Associate Professor, University of Oviedo
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Applying model checking to industrial-sized PLC programs
BF Adiego, D Darvas, EB Vińuela, JC Tournier, S Bliudze, JO Blech, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11 (6), 1400-1410, 2015
A hybrid PCA-CART-MARS-based prognostic approach of the remaining useful life for aircraft engines
FS Lasheras, PJG Nieto, FJ de Cos Juez, RM Bayón, VMG Suárez
Sensors 15 (3), 7062-7083, 2015
Formal verification of complex properties on PLC programs
D Darvas, B Fernández Adiego, A Vörös, T Bartha, E Blanco Vińuela, ...
Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: 34th …, 2014
A new predictive model of centerline segregation in continuous cast steel slabs by using multivariate adaptive regression splines approach
PJ García Nieto, VM Gonzalez Suarez, JC Álvarez Antón, R Mayo Bayón, ...
Materials 8 (6), 3562-3583, 2015
Data augmentation effects on highly imbalanced EEG datasets for automatic detection of photoparoxysmal responses
FM Martins, VMG Suárez, JRV Flecha, BG López
Sensors 23 (4), 2312, 2023
Predictive model of gas consumption and air emissions of a lime kiln in a kraft process using the ABC/MARS-based technique
VM González Suárez, E García-Gonzalo, R Mayo Bayón, PJ García Nieto, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, 1549-1562, 2019
Improving wearable-based fall detection with unsupervised learning
M Fáńez, JR Villar, E De la Cal, VM González, J Sedano
Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (2), 314-325, 2022
A Wireless Portable High Temperature Data Monitor for Tunnel Ovens
RM Bayón, VM Gonzalez Suarez, FM Martín, JM Lopera Ronda, ...
Sensors 14 (8), 14712-14731, 2014
Automated generation of formal models from ST control programs for verification purposes
B Fernández Adiego, E Blanco Vinuela, V Gonzalez Suarez, JO Blech, ...
Metodología de análisis de modelado de sistemas de eventos discretos mediante técnicas orientadas a objetos: aplicación a la generación de la lógica de control basada en iec …
VMG Suárez
Universidad de Oviedo, 2002
Analysis of frequency bands in electroencephalograms for automatic detection of photoparoxysmal responses
F Moncada Martins, VM González Suárez, JR Villar Flecha, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in …, 2023
Smartwatch sleep-tracking services precision evaluation using supervised domain adaptation
EA Cal Marín, M Fáńez Kertelj, MD Apolo, A García Gómez, ...
17th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems …, 2022
A comparison of machine learning techniques for the detection of type-4 photoparoxysmal responses in electroencephalographic signals
F Moncada Martins, VM González Suárez, B García, VM Álvarez García, ...
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in …, 2022
A Comparison of Blink Removal Techniques in EEG Signals
F Moncada, VM González, B García, V Álvarez, JR Villar
International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 355-366, 2021
A preliminary study for automatic activity labelling on an elder people ADL dataset
EA Cal Marín, M Fáńez, Á DaSilva, JR Villar Flecha, J Sedano, ...
15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and …, 2021
Transfer learning and information retrieval applied to fall detection
M Fáńez Kertelj, JR Villar Flecha, EA Cal Marín, J Sedano, ...
A simple classification ensemble for ADL and falls
EA Cal Marín, M Fáńez, M Villar, JR Villar Flecha, VM González Suárez
Springer, 2020
An autonomous fallers monitoring kit: release 0.0
EA Cal Marín, Á DaSilva, M Fáńez, JR Villar Flecha, J Sedano, ...
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. ISDA 2019., 2020
Iot and big data in well-aging: The iotea project
VM González Suárez, JR Villar Flecha, EA Cal Marín, ...
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8, 2019
Comparing model performances applied to fall detection
S Barri Khojasteh, JR Villar Flecha, EA Cal Marín, VM González Suárez, ...
ICMA-International Conference On Mathematical Applications, 2018
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