Ingmar Schoegl
Ingmar Schoegl
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Superadiabatic combustion in conducting tubes and heat exchangers of finite length
I Schoegl, JL Ellzey
Combustion and Flame 151 (1-2), 142-159, 2007
Experimental and numerical conversion of liquid heptane to syngas through combustion in porous media
MJ Dixon, I Schoegl, CB Hull, JL Ellzey
Combustion and Flame 154 (1-2), 217-231, 2008
A mesoscale fuel reformer to produce syngas in portable power systems
I Schoegl, JL Ellzey
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 3223-3230, 2009
Tomographic laser absorption spectroscopy using Tikhonov regularization
A Guha, I Schoegl
Applied Optics 53 (34), 8095-8103, 2014
Ultra-rich combustion in parallel channels to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from propane
I Schoegl, SR Newcomb, JL Ellzey
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34 (12), 5152-5163, 2009
Tomographic imaging of flames: assessment of reconstruction error based on simulated results
A Guha, IM Schoegl
Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (2), 350-359, 2014
Ignition delay time and H2O measurements during methanol oxidation behind reflected shock waves
LT Pinzón, O Mathieu, CR Mulvihill, I Schoegl, EL Petersen
Combustion and Flame 203, 143-156, 2019
Experimental and analytical investigation of lean premixed methane/air combustion in a mesoscale counter-flow reactor
EL Belmont, I Schoegl, JL Ellzey
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 3361-3367, 2013
Numerical investigation of ultra-rich combustion in counter flow heat exchangers
IM Schoegl, JL Ellzey
Combustion Science and Technology 182 (10), 1413-1428, 2010
Numerical analysis of flame instabilities in narrow channels: Laminar premixed methane/air combustion
M Ayoobi, I Schoegl
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 9 (3), 155-171, 2017
High-pressure ignition delay time measurements of a four-component gasoline surrogate and its high-level blends with ethanol and methyl acetate
SP Cooper, O Mathieu, I Schoegl, EL Petersen
Fuel 275, 118016, 2020
Radiation effects on flame stabilization on flat flame burners
I Schoegl
Combustion and Flame 159 (9), 2817-2828, 2012
Predicting combustion characteristics in externally heated micro-tubes
I Schoegl, VM Sauer, P Sharma
Combustion and Flame 204, 33-48, 2019
Ethanol pyrolysis kinetics using H2O time history measurements behind reflected shock waves
LT Pinzón, O Mathieu, CR Mulvihill, I Schoegl, EL Petersen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 239-247, 2019
Optimization of binder removal for ceramic microfabrication via polymer co-extrusion
K Sharmin, I Schoegl
Ceramics International 40 (3), 3939-3946, 2014
Non-catalytic conversion of glycerol to syngas at intermediate temperatures: Numerical methods with detailed chemistry
M Ayoobi, I Schoegl
Fuel 195, 190-200, 2017
Two-step debinding and co-extrusion of ceramic-filled PEBA and EVA blends
K Sharmin, I Schoegl
Ceramics International 40 (9), 14871-14879, 2014
Behavior of preheated premixed flames at rich conditions
J Gibson, M Ayoobi, I Schoegl
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 997-1005, 2013
A comparative assessment of homogeneous propane reforming at intermediate temperatures
M Sharma, I Schoegl
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (30), 13272-13281, 2013
Effects of dilution and pressure on combustion characteristics within externally heated micro-tubes
SNR Isfahani, VM Sauer, I Schoegl
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6695-6702, 2021
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