Jose Ribelles
Jose Ribelles
Associate Professor, Universitat Jaume I
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Geometric Simplification of Foliage.
I Remolar, M Chover, O Belmonte, J Ribelles, C Rebollo
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 2002
Finding and removing features from polyhedra
J Ribelles, PS Heckbert, M Garland, T Stahovich, V Srivastava
International design engineering technical conferences and computers and …, 2001
Multiresolution modeling of arbitrary polygonal surfaces: a characterization
J Ribelles, A López, O Belmonte, I Remolar, M Chover
Computers & Graphics 26 (3), 449-462, 2002
View-dependent multiresolution model for foliage
I Remolar, M Chover, J Ribelles, O Belmonte
UNION Agency–Science Press, 2003
Real-time tree rendering
I Remolar, C Rebollo, M Chover, J Ribelles
Computational Science-ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków …, 2004
Efficiently using connectivity information between triangles in a mesh for real-time rendering
O Belmonte, I Remolar, J Ribelles, M Chover, M Fernández
Future Generation Computer Systems 20 (8), 1263-1273, 2004
Multiresolution modelling of polygonal surface meshes using triangle fans
J Ribelles, A López, I Remolar, O Belmonte, M Chover
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 9th InternationalConference, DGCI …, 2000
Binary space partitioning trees: a multiresolution approach
J Huerta, M Chover, R Quiros, R Vivo, J Ribelles
Proceedings. 1997 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (Cat. No …, 1997
A First Step to Evaluate and Compare Multiresolution Models.
J Ribelles, M Chover, A López, J Huerta
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 1999
Efficient implementation of multiresolution triangle strips
Ó Belmonte, I Remolar, J Ribelles, M Chover, M Fernández
International Conference on Computational Science, 111-120, 2002
Multiresolution ordered meshes
J Ribelles, M Chover, J Huerta, R Quirós
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization. An …, 1998
An Improved Discrete Level of Detail Model Through an Incremental Representation.
J Ribelles, A López, O Belmonte
TPCG, 59-66, 2010
Searching Triangle Strips Guided by Simplification Criterion.
O Belmonte, J Ribelles, I Remolar, M Chover
WSCG (Short Papers), 68-75, 2001
Web-based virtual environments for teaching
M Chover, Ó Belmonte, I Remolar, R Quirós, J Ribelles
Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Computer Graphics Education. July, 6-7, 2002
Variable resolution level-of-detail of multiresolution ordered meshes
J Ribelles, A López, O Belmonte, I Remolar, M Chover
University of West Bohemia, 2001
Low Cost Virtual Animation Effects for Sports Broadcasting: Mosaics, Flags and Big-Sized Flags
A Denia, J Ribelles, A Lopez, Ó Belmonte
2011 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications …, 2011
Multiresolution modeling using binary space partitioning trees
J Huerta, M Chover, J Ribelles, R Quiros
Computer networks and ISDN systems 30 (20-21), 1941-1950, 1998
Buildup: interactive creation of urban scenes from large photo collections
J Ribelles, D Gutierrez, A Efros
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 12757-12774, 2017
Constructing and Rendering of Multiresolution Binary Space Partitioning Trees
J Huerta, M Chover, J Ribelles, R Quiros
Edugraphics+ Compugraphics Proceedings, 212-221, 1997
Informática gráfica
J Ribelles, A López
Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2019
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