Gilmar Ferreira Batalha
Gilmar Ferreira Batalha
Associate Professor of manufacturing processes, University of Sao Paulo, Escola Politecnica, Sao
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Conformação plástica dos metais
E Bresciani Filho, IB Silva, GF BATALHA, ST BUTTON
Ed da Unicamp, 1997
Tool wear evaluations in friction stir processing of commercial titanium Ti–6Al–4V
A Farias, GF Batalha, EF Prados, R Magnabosco, S Delijaicov
Wear 302 (1-2), 1327-1333, 2013
The use of Nd: YAG laser weld for large scale volume assembly of automotive body in white
A Ribolla, GL Damoulis, GF Batalha
Journal of materials processing technology 164, 1120-1127, 2005
Lean office in health organization in the Brazilian Army
IB da Silva, EC Seraphim, OL Agostinho, OF Lima Junior, GF Batalha
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 6 (1), 2-16, 2015
Superficial integrity analysis in a super duplex stainless steel after turning
EC Bordinassi, MF Stipkovic, GF Batalha, S Delijaicov, NB De Lima
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 18 (1-2 …, 2006
Hard turning of tempered DIN 100Cr6 steel with coated and no coated CBN inserts
GS Galoppi, M Stipkovic Filho, GF Batalha
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2006
Creep age forming: a short review of fundaments and applications
FC Ribeiro, EP Marinho, DJ Inforzato, PR Costa, GF Batalha
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 43 (1 …, 2010
Experimental and numerical simulation of tube hydroforming (THF)
JP Abrantes, A Szabo-Ponce, GF Batalha
Journal of materials processing technology 164, 1140-1147, 2005
Quantitative characterization of the surface topography of cold rolled sheets—new approaches and possibilities
GF Batalha, M Stipkovic Filho
Journal of materials processing technology 113 (1-3), 732-738, 2001
Mechanical and physical properties investigation of polyurethane material obtained from renewable natural source
DJ Dos Santos, LB Tavares, GF Batalha
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 54 (2 …, 2012
Concurrent engineering and DFMA approaches on the development of automotive panels and doors
FZ Krumenauer, CT Matayoshi, IB da Silva, GF Batalha
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 31 (2 …, 2008
Numerical and experimental modeling of thermal errors in a five-axis CNC machining center
MO dos Santos, GF Batalha, EC Bordinassi, GF Miori
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 2619-2642, 2018
Numerical simulation of an aluminum alloy tube hydroforming
JP Abrantes, CEC de Lima, GF Batalha
Journal of materials processing technology 179 (1-3), 67-73, 2006
Residual stresses modelling in hard turning and its correlation with the cutting forces
GF Batalha, S Delijaicov, JB Aguiar, EC Bordinassi, M Stipkovic Filho, ...
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 24 (1 …, 2007
Improved model to predict machined surface roughness based on the cutting vibrations signal during hard turning
S Delijaicov, F Leonardi, EC Bordinassi, GF Batalha
Archives of materials science and Engineering 45 (2), 102-107, 2010
Failure criterion for adhesively bonded joints using Arcan´ s experimental method
DJ Santos, GF Batalha
Polímeros 24, 441-445, 2014
Evaluation of an AlCrN coated FSW tool
GF Batalha, A Farias, R Magnabosco, S Delijaicov, M Adamiak, ...
Journal of Achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering 55 (2 …, 2012
Systematic study of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) in the manufacturing of protector devices for the orofacial system
RB Dias, NP Coto, GF Batalha, L Driemeier
Biomaterials in regenerative medicine 319, 2018
Hard turning of tempered DIN 100Cr6 steel with coated and no coated CBN inserts
G de Siqueira Galoppi, M Stipkovic Filho, GF Batalha
Journal of materials processing technology 179 (1-3), 146-153, 2006
Integrated product and process system with continuous improvement in the auto parts industry
IB Silva, GF Batalha, M Stipkovik Filho, FZ Ceccarelli, JB Anjos, M Fesz
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 34 (2 …, 2009
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Articles 1–20