Daniel B. Seaton
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The solar orbiter EUI instrument: the extreme ultraviolet imager
P Rochus, F Auchere, D Berghmans, L Harra, W Schmutz, U Schühle, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A8, 2020
The SWAP EUV imaging telescope part I: instrument overview and pre-flight testing
DB Seaton, D Berghmans, B Nicula, JP Halain, A De Groof, T Thibert, ...
Solar Physics 286, 43-65, 2013
Evolving active region loops observed with the transition region and coronal explorer. I. Observations
AR Winebarger, HP Warren, DB Seaton
The Astrophysical Journal 593 (2), 1164, 2003
Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
SE Gibson, TA Kucera, D Rastawicki, J Dove, G De Toma, J Hao, S Hill, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 1133, 2010
On-orbit degradation of solar instruments
A BenMoussa, S Gissot, U Schühle, G Del Zanna, F Auchère, S Mekaoui, ...
Solar Physics 288, 389-434, 2013
Genesis and impulsive evolution of the 2017 September 10 coronal mass ejection
AM Veronig, T Podladchikova, K Dissauer, M Temmer, DB Seaton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 868 (2), 107, 2018
September 2017's geoeffective space weather and impacts to Caribbean radio communications during hurricane response
RJ Redmon, DB Seaton, R Steenburgh, J He, JV Rodriguez
Space Weather 16 (9), 1190-1201, 2018
Observations of an eruptive solar flare in the extended EUV solar corona
DB Seaton, JM Darnel
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 852 (1), L9, 2018
Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2. 2 solar flare on 2011 February 15
L Dolla, C Marqué, DB Seaton, T Van Doorsselaere, M Dominique, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 749 (1), L16, 2012
Magnetic reconnection as the driver of the solar wind
NE Raouafi, G Stenborg, DB Seaton, H Wang, J Wang, CE DeForest, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 945 (1), 28, 2023
The SWAP EUV imaging telescope. Part II: in-flight performance and calibration
JP Halain, D Berghmans, DB Seaton, B Nicula, A De Groof, M Mierla, ...
Solar Physics 286, 67-91, 2013
Observational characteristics of coronal mass ejections without low-coronal signatures
E D'Huys, DB Seaton, S Poedts, D Berghmans
The Astrophysical Journal 795 (1), 49, 2014
Observational evidence of torus instability as trigger mechanism for coronal mass ejections: The 2011 August 4 filament eruption
FP Zuccarello, DB Seaton, M Mierla, S Poedts, LA Rachmeler, P Romano, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 785 (2), 88, 2014
Low-altitude reconnection inflow–outflow observations during a 2010 November 3 solar eruption
SL Savage, G Holman, KK Reeves, DB Seaton, DE McKenzie, Y Su
The Astrophysical Journal 754 (1), 13, 2012
Global non-potential magnetic models of the solar corona during the March 2015 eclipse
AR Yeates, T Amari, I Contopoulos, X Feng, DH Mackay, Z Mikić, ...
Space science reviews 214, 1-27, 2018
An analytical model for reconnection outflow jets including thermal conduction
DB Seaton, TG Forbes
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (1), 348, 2009
Field line shrinkage in flares observed by the X-Ray Telescope on Hinode
KK Reeves, DB Seaton, TG Forbes
The Astrophysical Journal 675 (1), 868, 2008
Multi-instrument observations of the solar eclipse on 20 March 2015 and its effects on the ionosphere over Belgium and Europe
SM Stankov, N Bergeot, D Berghmans, D Bolsée, C Bruyninx, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 7, A19, 2017
Asymmetric magnetic reconnection in solar flare and coronal mass ejection current sheets
NA Murphy, MP Miralles, CL Pope, JC Raymond, HD Winter, KK Reeves, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 751 (1), 56, 2012
Short-period waves that heat the corona detected at the 1999 eclipse
JM Pasachoff, BA Babcock, KD Russell, DB Seaton
Solar Physics 207, 241-257, 2002
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