Christof Gattringer
Christof Gattringer
Professor for Theoretical Physics
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Quantum chromodynamics on the lattice: an introductory presentation
C Gattringer, C Lang
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
New approach to Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
C Gattringer
Physical Review D 63 (11), 114501, 2001
Approaches to the sign problem in lattice field theory
C Gattringer, K Langfeld
International Journal of Modern Physics A 31 (22), 1643007, 2016
Approximate Ginsparg–Wilson fermions: a first test
C Gattringer, I Hip, CB Lang
Nuclear Physics B 597 (1-3), 451-474, 2001
Dual quark condensate and dressed Polyakov loops
E Bilgici, F Bruckmann, C Gattringer, C Hagen
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (9), 094007, 2008
Linking confinement to spectral properties of the Dirac operator
C Gattringer
Physical review letters 97 (3), 032003, 2006
Excited hadrons on the lattice: Baryons
T Burch, C Gattringer, LY Glozman, C Hagen, D Hierl, CB Lang, A Schäfer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (1), 014504, 2006
Quenched spectroscopy with fixed-point and chirally improved fermions
C Gattringer, M Göckeler, P Hasenfratz, S Hauswirth, K Holland, T Jörg, ...
Nuclear Physics B 677 (1-2), 3-51, 2004
Setting the scale for the Lüscher-Weisz action
C Gattringer, R Hoffmann, S Schaefer
Physical Review D 65 (9), 094503, 2002
Excited hadrons on the lattice: Mesons
T Burch, C Gattringer, LY Glozman, C Hagen, CB Lang, A Schäfer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (9), 094505, 2006
Abelian gauge theories on the lattice: θ-terms and compact gauge theory with (out) monopoles
T Sulejmanpasic, C Gattringer
Nuclear Physics B 943, 114616, 2019
Lattice study of the Silver Blaze phenomenon for a charged scalar ϕ4 field
C Gattringer, T Kloiber
Nuclear Physics B 869 (1), 56-73, 2013
New findings for topological excitations in SU (3) lattice gauge theory
C Gattringer, S Schaefer
Nuclear Physics B 654 (1-2), 30-60, 2003
Hadron spectroscopy with dynamical chirally improved fermions
C Gattringer, C Hagen, CB Lang, M Limmer, D Mohler, A Schäfer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (5), 054501, 2009
Center vortices and Dirac eigenmodes in su (2) lattice gauge theory
J Gattnar, C Gattringer, K Langfeld, H Reinhardt, A Schäfer, S Solbrig, ...
Nuclear physics B 716 (1-2), 105-127, 2005
Spatially improved operators for excited hadrons on the lattice
T Burch, C Gattringer, LY Glozman, R Kleindl, CB Lang, A Schaefer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 70 (5), 054502, 2004
Flux representation of an effective Polyakov loop model for QCD thermodynamics
C Gattringer
Nuclear Physics B 850 (2), 242-252, 2011
Lattice calculation of vector meson couplings to the vector and tensor currents using chirally improved fermions
VM Braun, T Burch, C Gattringer, M Göckeler, G Lacagnina, S Schaefer, ...
Physical Review D 68 (5), 054501, 2003
A comprehensive picture of topological excitations in finite temperature lattice QCD
C Gattringer, M Göckeler, PEL Rakow, S Schaefer, A Schaefer
Nuclear Physics B 618 (1-2), 205-240, 2001
Variational method for lattice spectroscopy with ghosts
T Burch, C Gattringer, LY Glozman, C Hagen, CB Lang, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (1), 017502, 2006
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