Mickaël BARON
Mickaël BARON
LIAS / ENSMA, University of Poitiers
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Ontology-based structured web data warehouses for sustainable interoperability: requirement modeling, design methodology and tool
K Selma, B Ilyès, B Ladjel, S Eric, J Stéphane, B Michael
Computers in industry 63 (8), 799-812, 2012
K-MADe: un environnement pour le noyau du modèle de description de l'activité
M Baron, V Lucquiaud, D Autard, DL Scapin
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 287-288, 2006
Increasing the expressive power of task analysis: Systematic comparison and empirical assessment of tool-supported task models
S Caffiau, D Scapin, P Girard, M Baron, F Jambon
Interacting with Computers 22 (6), 569-593, 2010
Formal and experimental validation approaches in HCI systems design based on a shared event B model
Y Ait-Ameur, M Baron
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 8, 547-563, 2006
Formal validation of HCI user tasks
Y Aït-Ameur, M Baron, P Girard
Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice …, 2003
Cooperative techniques for SPARQL query relaxation in RDF databases
G Fokou, S Jean, A Hadjali, M Baron
European Semantic Web Conference, 237-252, 2015
RDF query relaxation strategies based on failure causes
G Fokou, S Jean, A HadjAli, M Baron
The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 13th International …, 2016
SUIDT: A task model based GUI-Builder
M Baron, P Girard
Ontologies in engineering: the OntoDB/OntoQL platform
Y Ait-Ameur, M Baron, L Bellatreche, S Jean, E Sardet
Soft Computing 21, 369-389, 2017
Handling failing RDF queries: from diagnosis to relaxation
G Fokou, S Jean, A Hadjali, M Baron
Knowledge and Information Systems 50, 167-195, 2017
Encoding a process algebra using the Event B method: application to the validation of human–computer interactions
Y Ait-Ameur, M Baron, N Kamel, JM Mota
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 11, 239-253, 2009
Étude et comparaison de scénarios de développements formels d'interfaces multi-modales fondés sur la preuve et le raffinement.
Y Aït-Ameur, I Ait-Sadoune, M Baron
MOSIM 2006-6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation …, 2006
Validation et vérification formelles de systèmes interactifs multi-modaux fondées sur la preuve
Y Aït-Ameur, I Aït-Sadoune, JM Mota, M Baron
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 123-130, 2006
Encoding a process algebra using the event b method. application to the validation of user interfaces
Y Ait-Ameur, M Baron, N Kamel
Proceedings of 2nd IEEE international symposium on leveraging applications …, 2005
Vérification et validation formelles de systèmes interactifs fondées sur la preuve: application aux systèmes Multi-Modaux
Y Aït-Ameur, I Aït-Sadoune, M Baron, JM Mota
Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système, 2014
On addressing the empty answer problem in uncertain knowledge bases
I Dellal, S Jean, A Hadjali, B Chardin, M Baron
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 120-129, 2017
Vers une approche sûre du développement des Interfaces Homme-Machine
M Baron
Université de Poitiers (France), 2003
Query answering over uncertain RDF knowledge bases: explain and obviate unsuccessful query results
I Dellal, S Jean, A Hadjali, B Chardin, M Baron
Knowledge and Information Systems 61 (3), 1633-1665, 2019
QaRS: A User-Friendly Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Design and Relaxation.
G Fokou, S Jean, A Hadjali, M Baron
EDBT, 553-556, 2015
Do rule-based approaches still make sense in logical data warehouse design?
S Bouarar, L Bellatreche, S Jean, M Baron
East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 83-96, 2014
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